You must resign yourselves to waiting a bit longer.
It won't hurt to wait a bit longer.
There's a clue somewhere; wait a bit; hist—hark!
Well, you'll have to wait a bit to find out.
I'm sorry you'll have to wait a bit longer.
Wait a bit, my friend, said he. You have important information, and you must not walk off.
" You're looking peaky; you need feeding up, but you'll have to wait a bit for dinner, I'm afraid."
" No, wait a bit, " said William, smiling.
“不,等下,” 威廉笑着说。
I waited a bit and then I wrote again.
我等了会儿, 然后又写了封信。
I waited a bit, and then asked him if he lived alone.
我等了会儿, 然后问他是不是人住。
Wait a bit longer – Bill hasn’t pitched up yet.
He waited a bit, and then drove over to the smith's to fetch them.
他等了会儿, 然后开车到铁匠铺去取。
Well, wait a bit, and perhaps I'll be able to do you a better one.
I know you've had to wait a bit longer than you'd anticipated.
'Ay, but wait a bit, ' says I, 'and maybe he'll sell after all'. '
“好吧,等下,” 我说,“也许他最终会卖掉的。
" Wait a bit, Joe, " said Perry, " I must get my ankle strap on" .
But some of those folks might soon wish they'd waited a bit longer to buy one.
Wish you'd wait a bit - Well I can't
So please do me the favor of waiting a bit before you form your views on the commander and crew of this boat.
Cyril put down his teacup. " Wait a bit, " he cried. " Wait a bit, Aunt Josephine. What am I thinking of" ?
西里尔放下茶杯。“等下, ” 他喊道。“等下, 约瑟芬阿姨。我在想什么” ?
Aronsen called after him: " Hi, wait a bit! What's that you say—Isak might take the place, was that what you said" ?
Aronsen 在他身后喊道:“嗨, 等下!你说什么——Isak 可能会接替这位置, 你是这么说的” ?
'Just wait a bit, ' retorted Bounderby; 'you have said your say, I believe. I heard you out; hear me out, if you please.
“稍等下,”庞得贝反驳道。 '你说了你的话,我相信。我听到你说完了;请听我说完。