Well fed, well bred.
[谚]得, 懂。
Alderman says governments profit when they keep children well fed.
Norwegian cooks in South Korea must keep their nation's hungry athletes well fed.
When fowls are well fed, their flesh is tender and very good to eat.
如果鸡喂养得很好, 肉就很软, 很好吃。
Samson said that failing to ensure children are well fed endangers their future development, especially their mental abilities.
If they're well fed, they'll stay down.
如果它们吃饱了, 它们就会睡着。
Unlike many other prisons, the prisoners were well fed.
He looked sleek and well fed.
他看起来很圆滑, 吃得很好。
Here, they are well fed and powerful.
这里 它们饱食无忧 身体健壮。
Yep… make sure everybody’s well fed.
是的… … 确保每个人都吃饱。
Maybe everything's just better fed down here.
The Shasta bees are perhaps better fed than any others in the Sierra.
Bumblebees are here, and are well fed on boundless stores of nectar and pollen.
黄蜂就这里, 它们以无穷无尽的花蜜和花粉为食。
So let's hope you're right let's hope we are well fed.
Take these men to my tent, and have them well fed.
把这两人带去我的营帐 好吃好喝招待。
She's too clean and well fed to be a runaway.
Equally well fed were the drivers in quilted coats and buttons on their backs, porters, servant girls, etc.
Elfride's heart throbbed erratically, and she thought, 'Horses, if left to themselves, make for where they are best fed.
Elfride 的心不规律地跳动着, 她想,‘马,如果任其自生自灭, 就会飞到它们吃得最好的地方。
She says the goal is to identify babies needing to be better fed or treated for health problems that can harm brain development.
He was even better fed and more petted on the " Pound of Candles" than he had been at Piggery Porcombe.
与 Piggery Porcombe 相比, 他“一磅蜡烛” 上吃得更好, 也更受宠。
25 Woe to you who are well fed now, for you will go hungry. Woe to you who laugh now, for you will mourn and weep.
25 你们饱足的人有祸了.因为你们将要饥饿。你们喜笑的人有祸了.因为你们将要哀恸哭泣。