| 划词

The logs jammed in the river.




full authority, full back, full cousin, full dress, full employment, full house, full length, Full Metal Jacket, full moon, full name,


3G, 401(K), a,


BBC 听力 2015年2月合集

The Senate is due to vote again on Monday in an attempt to break the log jam.




full-flap, full-fledged, full-fleshed, full-frills, full-frontal, full-gate, full-gear, full-grown, fullhearted, fulling, full-ionization, full-jacquard, full-laden, full-language, full-length, fullmasse, fullmouthed, full-mouthed, fullness, fullonite, full-page, full-rigged, fulls, full-scale, full-service, full-sib, full-size, full-sized, full-term, full-throated, full-time, full-timer, full-tone, full-track, fullword, fully, fully outfitted for, fully-charged, fully-electrified, fully-fashioned, fully-flattened, fully-fledged, fully-jewelled, fully-mounted, fully-on, fully-wound, fulmar, fulmargin, fulmenite, fulminant, fulminate, fulminating, fulminatinggold, fulmination, fulminator, fulminatory, fulmine, fulminic, fulminic acid, fulminous, fulness, fuloppite, fulpat, fulsome, fulsomeness, Fultograph, Fulton, fultoportula, fulturae, fulure, fulvene, fulvescent, Fulvia, fulvicin, fulvine, fulvoaeneous, fulvoplumerin, fulvous, fumade, fumagillin, fumagine, fumaginous, Fumago, fumanomycin, fumaramide, fumarase, fumarate, fumarhydrazide, fumaria, Fumariaceae, fumaric, fumaric acid, fumaricine, fumaridine, fumariline, fumarimide, Fumarin, fumarine, fumarinine, fumaritine, fumarle, fumaroid, fumarole, fumarophycine, fumaroyl, fumaryl-, fumatorium, fumatory, Fumazone, fumble, fumbler, fume, fumed, fumeless, fumeoff, fumeroot, fumes, fumet, Fumette, fumeus, fumewort, fumid, fumidil, Fumido, fumigachlorin, fumigacin, fumigaclavine, fumigant, fumigate, fumigatin, fumigating, fumigation, fumigator, fuming, Fumiron, fumitory, fumose, fumulus, fumy, fun, funabout, Funafuti, funambulist, Funariales, func, Funchal, function, function call, function word, functional, functional calculus, functional illiterate, functionalism, functionalist, functionality, functionalization, functionalize, functionalizedorganization, functionallization, functionally, functionalrequirement, functionary, functionate, functionating, functioning, functor, functus officio, fund, fundament, fundamental, fundamental frequency, fundamental law, fundamental principle, fundamentalism, fundamentalist, fundamentality, fundamentally, fundamentals, fundamentaltissue, fundamentum, fundatrigenia, fundatrix, funded, funder, fundholder, fundi, fundic, funding, fund-in-trust, funditae, fundo, fundoplication, fund-raiser, fundraising, funds, Fundulus, fundus, funduscopy, funebrial, funeral, funeral director, funeral home, funeral march, funeral parlor, funeral parlour, funerals, funerary, funereal, funest, funfair, funfest, fungaceous, fungal, fungal infection, fungales, fungaltechnology, fungate, Fungchex, fungemia, fungi, Fungi Imperfecti, fungible, fungic, fungichromin, fungicidal, fungicide, fungicidin, fungid, fungiform, fungilin, fungimycin, fungin, funginert, funginon, fungi-proofing, fungisporin, fungistas, fungistasis, fungistat, fungistatic, fungistatin, fungisterol, fungitoxic, fungitoxicity, fungivore, Fungivoridae, fungivorous, fungizone, fungo, fungocin, fungoid, fungolichens, fungosity, fungotelinite, fungous, FungshanianAge, FungshanianStage, fungus, funguses, fungusized, funiclarin, funicle, funicular, funicular railway, funicularin, funiculate, funiculitis, funiculopexy, funiculose, funiculosin, funiculus, funiferine, funiform, fun-in, funipendulous, funis, funk, funk hole, funked, funker, funkia, funky, fun-loving, funnel, funnelbreast, funnel-breast, funnelbulb, funneled, funnelform, funnelled, funnellike, funnelling, funnels, funnel-shaped, funnies, funniest, funnily, funniment, funniosity, funny, funny bone, funny farm, funny story, funnyman, funny-money, funoran, funorin, funster, funtessine, funtudienine, funtulatine, funtuline, funtumafrine, funtumidine, funtumine, Funyuns, FUO, fuor, fuoro, FUP, fur, furacilin, furacilinum, furacillin, furacin, furacrolein, furadantin, fural, furaldehyde, furaltadone, furamide, furamonum, furan, furancarbinol, furance, furandienone, furandione, furane, furanidine, furanocadalene, furanodienone, furanoeremophilone, furanoid, furanomycin, furanophane, furanose, furanoside, furantoin, furaprofen, furapromide,


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