Of course, Mr. Stephens couldn't help how he looked for he had been an invalid all his life, but Mr. Davis — She looked up at the cameo clean, proud face.
The next day, the groom was cleaning my face when he said, 'That's just like the star that Black Beauty had on his forehead. I wonder where he is now.'
Chad Cranage looks like quite a new acquaintance to-day, for he has got his clean Sunday face, which always makes his little granddaughter cry at him as a stranger.
When you're like on set every day, for like 14 hours a day wearing some TV makeup, which is a little bit heavier than like I think regular makeup, you gotta really make sure you clean your face.
I need a thick cream when I get on the plane, I clean my face and I like to slather on all of this like moisturizing products 'cause you're so dehydrated on a plane, it's literally drying you out.