| 划词

Both the farmers and fishermen were hard hit by the bad weather.




exhaustibility, exhaustible, exhausting, exhaustion, exhaustive, exhaustively, exhaustivity, exhaustless, exhaustor, exhaustsmoke,


3G, 401(K), a,


BBC 听力 201512

Government apartment complex is especially hard hit.


CNN 听力 202112

The Bluegrass state was the hardest hit.


CNN 听力 20221

Sunflower stars were really, really hard hit.



The crayfish were especially hard hit.



These are the hard hitting questions.


VOA Special 20233

Experts fear children will be hardest hit.


NPR音讯 201311

Washington Illionoi is among the areas hardest hit.


BBC 听力 20235

The Darfur region has been particularly hard hit.


VOA Daily Standard 202010

Children under the age of 5 are particularly hard hit.


CNN 20166

The city of Fort McMurray has been the hardest hit.



But by far, the hardest hit place was from Saturday.



Especially hard hit were the blue- and pink-collar departments, such as subscription fulfillment.


CNN 10 学生英语 20209

California seems to be the hardest hit state at this point.


BBC 听力 202111

Tourism has been one of the industries hardest hit by coronavirus.



And so they are particularly hard hit by rising interest rates.


CRI在线 20206

New York is the hardest hit city in the United States.


CRI在线 20238

North Gyeongsang province is the hardest hit, recording 10 heatstroke deaths.

北部庆尚省受灾最严重,记录 10 人中暑死亡。


However, the clown has also taken some hard hits as a bullfighter.


NPR音讯 20168

One of the hardest hit areas is the historic town of Amatrice.



The city of Sar-e Pol-e Zahab appears to be the hardest hit.




extar, extasis, extasy, extemporal, extemporaneous, extemporararily, extemporarily, extemporary, extempore, extemporisation, extemporise, extemporization, extemporize, extemportize, extencisor, extend, extend to, extendability, extendable, extended, extended family, extendedbackground, extended-play, extender, extenders, extendible, extendibles, extends, extensacuta, extense, extensibility, extensible, extensile, extensimeter, extensin, extensiometer, extension, extension cord, extension ladder, extensional, extensionality, extensionalization, extensionboard, extensionless, extension-type, extensity, extensive, extensively, extensograph, extensometer, extensor, extent, extents, extenuate, extenuating, extenuation, extenuative, extenuatory, exterior, exterior angle, exteriorise, exteriority, exteriorization, exteriorize, exteriorly, exterma, exterminate, extermination, exterminative, exterminator, exterminatory, extermine, extern, external, external ear, external storage, external-burning, externalia, externalise, externalism, externalities, externality, externalization, externalize, externally, externally-oriented, external-upset, externe, externship, externus, exteroceptive, exteroceptor, exterofection, exterritorial, exterritoriality, extesticulate, extima, extinct, extinction, extinction angle, extinctive, extinctivity, extine, extingiushment, extinguish, extinguishable, extinguishant, extinguisher, extinguishing, extinguishment, extirpate, extirpation, extirpator, extol, extoll, extorsion, extorsive, extorsively, extort, extortion, extortionary, extortionate, extortioner, extortionist, extortive, extortor, extra, extra-, extra dividend, extra time, extra-articular, extraartistic, extraatmospheric, extraaxillary, extrabold, extrabranchialis, extrabright, extra-bright, extrabuccal, extrabulbar, extracanonical, extracapsular, extracardiac, extracardial, extracellular, extracellular fluid, extracellularly, extracerebellar, extra-channel, extrachromosomal, extra-chromosome, extraclast, extracode, extracolumella, extracolumn, extracondensed, extraconstitutional, extracorporeal, extracorpuscular, extracranial, extract, extractable, extractant, extracted, extracter, extractible, extracting, extraction, extractionflask, extraction-step, extractive, extractivetitration, extractor, extractors, extractor-weigher, extractum glycyrrhizae, extracurial, extracurrent, extra-current, extracurricular, extra-curricular, extracurricular activity, extracurriculum, extracutaneous, extracystic, extraditable, extradite, extradition, extrado, extrados, extradossed, extradural, extraembryonic, extraembryoniccoelom, extraepicardial, extraessential, extra-expiratory, extra-fill, extrafine, extrafloral, extrafocal, extrafoliaceous, extragalactic, extragenetic, extragovernmental, extrahazardous, extrahead, extra-heavy, extrahepatic, extraintestinal, extrajection, extrajudicial, extralegal, extraligamentous, extralimital, extralin, extralinguistic, extraliterary, extrality, extralobular, extralunar, extramalleolus, Extraman, extramarginal, extramarital, extra-marital, extramatemal, extramatrical, extramembranous, extrameningeal, extramental, extramitochondrial, extramolecular, extramundane, extramural, extramusical, extraneous, extraneousroot, extranet, Extranets, extraneural, extranuclear, extra-nutrition, extraocular, extraoculogram, extraofficial, extraoral, extra-oral, extraordinaire, extraordinarily, extraordinary, extraovate, extrapacking, extra-pale, extraparental, extraparliamentary, extraparochial, extrapericardial, extraphysical, extraplacental, extrapleural, extra-point, extrapolability, extrapolate, extrapolation, extraporate, extraprostatic, extrapyramidal, extrarenal, extraretinal, extras, extrascientific, extraseminal, extrasensitivity, extrasensory, extrasensory perception, extrasin, extrasoft, extrasolar, extrasolarγ-ray, extrastaminal, extrastimulation, extrastimulus, extra-stress, extrasynaptic, extrasystole, extrasystolic, extratellurian, extraterrestialγ-ray, extraterrestrial, extraterritorial, extraterritoriality, extraterritorially, extrathecal, extrathermodynamics, extra-thin, extrathoracic, extratracheal, extratropical, extrauterine, extra-uterine, extrauterine pregnancy, extrautering, extravagance, extravagancy, extravagant, extravagantly, extravaganza, extravagate, extravaginal, extravasate, extravasation, extravascular, extravehicular, extraventricular, extraversion, extraversive, extravert, extraviolet, extrema, extremal, extremals, extreme, extreme point, extreme unction, extremely, extremely high frequency, extremely low frequency, extremeness, extremism, extremist, extremital, extremitas, Extremitates, extremities, extremity, extremum, extricable, extricate, extrication, extricator, extrinsic, extrinsical, extrolite, extron, extrophia, extrophy, extrorse, extrovate, extroversion, extroversive, extrovert, extroverted, extrovertish, extrovertive, extructor, extrudability, extrudant, extrudate, extrudation, extrude, extruded, extruder, extruder-calender, extruding, extruding-head, extrudometer, extruser, extrusion, extrusive, extrusome, extubate, extubation, exuberance, exuberancy, exuberant, exuberate, exudant, exudate, exudates, exudation, exudative, exudatoria, exude, exult, exultance, exultancy, exultant, exultantly, exultation, exultingly, exumbilication, exumbrella, exunguiculate, exurb, exurban, exurbanite, exurbia, exutory, exuviae, exuvial, exuviate, exuviation, exuvium, exvoto, ex-voto, EXW, ex-warrants, exworks, ex-works, eyas, eye, eye chart, eye contact, eye doctor, eye exercises, eye lotion, eye opener, eye piece, eye shadow, eye socket, eyeable, eyealyzer, eyeball, eyeballing, eyeballs, eyebar, eyebase, eyebath, eye-bath, eyebeam, eyeblack, eyebolt, eyebright, eyebrow, eyebrow pencil, eyebrows, eye-bud, eyeburn, eye-cap, eyecatcher, eye-catcher, eye-catching, eye-cells, eye-chamber, eye-circle, eyecup, eyed, eye-distance, eyedness, eye-douche, eyedrop, eyedropper, eyedrops, eyeend, eyeflap, eyeful, eyeglass, eyeground, eyeguard, eyehole, eyehook, eyelash, eyelashes, eyeless, eyelet, eyeleteer, eyelet-hole, eyeleting, eyelets, eyeletter, eye-level, eyelid, eyelids, eyelight, eyelights, eyelike, eyeliner, eyellipse, eye-measurement, eyeminded, eye-minded, eyemo, eyen, eyenut, eye-opener, eye-opening, eyepatch, eyepiece, eyepit, eyepoint, eyer, eyereach, eyes, eyeservant, eye-servant, eyeservice, eye-service, eyeshade, eye-shade, eyeshield, eyeshot, eyesight, eyesome, eyesore, eye-specks, eyesplice, eyespot, eyestalk, eyestone, eyestrain, eyestrings, eye-sul, eyetooth, eye-tubercle, eyewall, eye-wall, eyewash, eyewater, eyewear, eyewink, eyewinker, eyewitness, eyewitnesser, eykometer, eyot, eyra, eyre, eyrie, eyrir, eyry, eytlaudite, EZ, ezcurrite, Ezechiel, Ezekias, Ezekiel, e-zine, ezomycin, ezonomycin, Ezra, f, F&R, f.a.s, F.A.S,f.a.s, F.O.B.plane, f.v., F1, F-100, F-104, F-105, F-106, F-111, F-117A, F-14, F-15, F-15E, F-16, F-18, F2, F-22, F2F, F-30066, F-4II, F-5EII, F-8, fa, FAA, FAAAS, FAAN, FAAR, FAAS, FAASV, FAB, Fab', fabaceae, fabaceous, fabby, FaBfragment, Fabian, Fabian Society, Fabiana, Fabianism, Fabianist, fabianite, Fabio, fabism, Fabius, fable, fabled, fabler, fables, fabliau, Fabre, fabric, fabricable, fabricant, fabricate, fabricated, fabrication, fabricative, fabricator, Fabricius, Fabriclinae, fabrics, fabric-skin, Fabrikoid, fabrography, fabroil, Fabry-Perot, fabular, fabulation, fabulist, fabulize, fabulosity, fabulous, fabulously, FAC, facade, facades, facctte, FACD, face, face angle, face card, face guard, face mask, face pack, face plate, face powder, face the music, face to face, face to face with, face towel, face up to, face up to sth, face value, face-ache, face-airing, facebar, FaceBook, facebow, face-bow, face-centred, facecloth, face-cloth, face-contact, face-cream, faced, faced-in, facedown, face-down, face-flange, face-flannel, face-flushing, faceharden, face-harden, face-hardened, face-joint, faceless, facelift, face-lift, facelifting, face-lifting, facellite, facemaking, facemix, faceoff, face-off, faceometer, face-painting, facepiece, face-piece, faceplate, face-pumping, facer, faces, face-saver, face-saving, face-sprigging, face-symbol, facet, facete, faceted, facetiae, face-time, faceting, facetiosity, facetious, facetiously, face-to-face, facets, facette, faceup, facia, facial, facial expression, facial nerve, facial recognition, facial tissue, facialia, faciation, faciend, facient, facieology, facies, facile, facilely, facilitate, facilitation, facilitator, facilitators, facilities, facility, facing, facings, facing-up, facinorous, facio-acupuncture, faciobrachial, faciocervical, faciolingual, facioplasty, facioplegia, facioscapulohumeral, FACOM, facon, faconne, FACP, Facraloy, FACS, facsimile, facsimile machine, fact, facta, fact-find, fact-finder, fact-finding, factice, facticity, F-actin, faction, factional, factionalism, factionalist, factionalize, factionary, factioneer, factionist, factions, factious, factiously, factis, factitial, factitious, factitiously, factitive, facto, factoid, factor, factor analysis, factor in, factor of safety, factorable, factorage, factorial, factoried, factoring, factorise, factorist, factorization, factorize, factorl, factorshare, factory, factory price, factory ship, factory-adjusted, factory-fitting, factory-hand, factoryinspection, factory-mounted, factoryprice, factory-trawler, factotum, factrix, FACTS, factsheet, factual, factualism, factualist, factualistic, factuality, factually, factum, facture, facty, FACU, facula, facular, faculative, facultative, facultativepond, facultize, faculty, faculty member, facultyman, fad, FADAC, fadayeen, faddish, faddism, faddist, faddle, faddy, fade, fade away, fadeaway, fade-away, faded, fadedly, fadein, fade-in, fadeless, fadenreaction, fadeometer, fadeout, fade-out, fade-over, fadeproof, fader, fades, fadge, fadgenising, fading, FADM, fado, fads, FAE, faecal, faeces, faecula, FAEJD, faena, faerie, faeries, Faeroe Islands, Faeroes, Faeroese, faery, Faesulae, faex, faff, faffinate, Fafnir, fag, fagaceae, Fagales, fagaramide, fagaramidinum, fagarine, FAGC, FAGE, fag-end, fagged, fagging, faggot, faggoting, faggotry, faggotting, faggoty, faggy, fagin, fagmaster, FAGO, fagopyrin, fagopyrism, Fagopyrum, fagot, fagoting, fagus, fah, faham, faheyite, fahlband, fahlers, fahlore, FAHQT, Fahralloy, Fahrenheit, fahrenheit scale, fahrenheit thermometer, Fahrite, fahuacai, FAI, FAIA, faience, fail, fail safe, fail to, failed, fail-frost, failing, failingly, faille, failletine, faillette, failover, fail-over, fail-passive, failpoint, failsafe, fail-safe, fail-safed, failsoft, fail-soft, failtests, fail-to-safety, failure, fain, fainaigue, faineancy, faineant, fainéant, faint, fainted, faintest, faintheart, fainthearted, faint-hearted, faintheartedly, fainting, faintingly, faintish, faintly, faintness, faints, fainty, fair, fair and square, fair ball, fair copy, fair deal, fair game, fair play, fair to middling, fair trade, fair-and-square, Fairbanks, fairchildite,


3G, 401(K), a,
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