The photodimerization reaction of an anthracene moiety in the smectic phase proceeded quantitatively and regioselectively.
【文摘】[GRAPHICS] Thermotropic liquid crystallinity can be induced for an anthracene having a dendritic substituent.
The photodimerization reaction of an anthracene moiety in the smectic phase proceeded quantitatively and regioselectively.
【文摘】[GRAPHICS] Thermotropic liquid crystallinity can be induced for an anthracene having a dendritic substituent.
In Estonia three types of shale tar have been used as alternatives to anthracene oil or carbolineum.
Our study to I-V curves of naphthalene-dithiol and anthracene- dithiol shows the nonclassical behavior of molecular transport.
我们对于并苯、三并苯分子的电的研究则揭 1 2 示了分子
Conclusion Melanosis coli is inflammation,benign,reversibility chromatosis as characteristic,the disease is related to taking anthracene for long time constipation.
Dicyano 9,10 dihydro 9,10 ethenoanthracene(4) was synthesized by addition reation of acetylenedinitrile and anthracene. Concave tetrazaporphyrin has been obtained from the four molecules of 4.