Crandell, Carol Flexer, Joseph J.
放大图片 作者: Carl C.
Crandell, Carol Flexer, Joseph J.
放大图片 作者: Carl C.
by no stretch of the imagination could Carl ever be called good-looking.
Zeiss Camera Eyepiece DC4 For Diascope Spotting Scopes by Carl Zeiss Observe and Capture Digital Pictures at the Same Time!
Sybil warned Jack not to take any advice from Carl, a notorious kibitzer whose suggestions often did more harm than good.
..Photography: Joseph Sinclair Make-up: Laura Tudhope Styling: Carl Willet...
您现在的位置: 中国美业 >> 美发 >> 国际 >> 正文 没有公告 [图文]Mark.
It was, and still is, based in Gütersloh, a dozy town in eastern Westphalia, where Mr Mohn's great-great-grandfather, Carl Bertelsmann, was a Protestant lithographer.
Carl wanted me to meet Hugh Hackler, a businessman who told us right off the bat that he was committed to another candidate in the primary.
It was, and still is, based in Gütersloh, a dozy town in eastern Westphalia, where Mr Mohn's great-great-grandfather, Carl Bertelsmann, was a Protestant lithographer.
The expression my country right or wrong—perhaps a misquotation of the American naval officer Stephen Decatur, but also attributed to Carl Schurz—is the extreme form of this belief.