The chakras are thought to vitalise the physical body and to be associated with interactions of both a physical and mental nature.
The chakras are thought to vitalise the physical body and to be associated with interactions of both a physical and mental nature.
Let us syncopate the chakras in rotation and size, balancing the entire field from top to bottom.
OPALITE: Opalite is a delicate clear or milky iridescent stone, which when placed on the Crown Chakra in meditation is said to enhance psychic abilities and include visions.
OPALITE: Opalite 精美清楚或乳状呈虹彩的宝石,据说当冥想时放置在冠轮可提高观想和通灵能力。
OPALITE: Opalite 精美清楚或乳状呈虹彩的宝石,据说当冥想时放置在冠轮可提高观想和通灵能力。
OPALITE: Opalite is a delicate clear or milky iridescent stone, which when placed on the Crown Chakra in meditation is said to enhance psychic abilities and include visions.
Chakras 11 and 12 work together to retain balance between the masculine and feminine sides of the form along with one's life dance, or movement between times of beingness and outward moving activity.