The effective diffusion coefficient and rate constant of intraparticle transport were calculated.
The effective diffusion coefficient and rate constant of intraparticle transport were calculated.
Unhealthy lifestyle often take on the characteristics of self-invention,sociality,diffusion and alterability.
Otherwise, a big error will be aroused.Being the effect of diffusion process, this method is not suitable for cathodal course.
The lower boundary of the region above which molecular diffusion dominates is 120 km altitude and is known as the turbopause.
To know the effects of internal and external diffusion on gas-solid catalytic reaction, to grasp the common models of liquid-solid uncatalyzed reaction.
Thermal diffusion sherardizing is widely used by its good rust-resistance, whichwas developed as a new metal surface disposal technology at beginning of last century.
The antibacterial action of the rhizomorph from the Armillaria mella was studied by the methods of agar diffusion, liquid cultivation and surviving bacteria count.
Since a mutual diffusion between adhesive layer and matrix and a innerstress on interfaces exist,there is a optimal thickness of adhesive layer in composites.
The results show that rare earth elements can efficiently improve the structures of the Chromvanadizing layer, the rate of growth and properties of diffusion layer.
In this paper, we have studied the diffusion of trimer and hexamer on Pt (111) surface, the atomic interaction is modeled by the embedded-atom method potential.
我们使用原子嵌入势(Embedded atom method)来描述原子间的相互作用,研究了Pt(111)表面上吸附三聚物和六聚物的自扩散现象。
Based on the emission, absorption, diffusion, reflection and scatteration of light by a voxel, it is suitable for generating and rendering realistic images of complex scenes.
The appearance diffusion coefficient and the fractional anisotropy were measured for the splenium of the corpus callosum, the genu of the corpus callosum, and the hippocampus.
Quantum well intermixing induced by impurity diffusion has been used in fabricating nonabsorbing windows in the cavity facets to improve the output power of high-power laser diodes.
杂质扩散诱导量子阱混杂技术可用于制作腔面非吸收窗口, 提高大功率半导体激光器的输出功率。