diploid somatic cells.
diploid somatic cells.
Diplont A diploid organism that represents the vegetative stage in life cycles in which haploidy is restricted to the gametes.
*X represents monosomy 21,diploid,trisomy 21,tetrasonmy 21 and hexasomy 21 in the corresponding box.
1. "Some of the well-known types are the durum, emmet , Polish, and poulard. These are tetraploids. and there is the einkorn, which is a diploid. "
hemizygous Describing genetic material that has no homologous counterpart and is thus unpaired in the diploid state.
This paper reviewed the chromosomal engineering in the aspects of double diploid, hetero-additive line, hetero-replacement line, exchange line, monosome one incomplete chromosome systems.
Abstract : It is difficulty to select and breed apomictic germplasm among diploid rices at present, but it has become a hotspot to select and breed apomictic germplasm among polyploid rices.
摘要 : 目前,在水平上选育水稻无融和殖种质的难度较大,而在多水平筛选水稻无融和殖新种质已成为水稻无融和殖研究新的长点。
This paper reviewed the chromosomal engineering in the aspects of double diploid, hetero-additive line, hetero-replacement line, exchange line, monosome one incomplete chromosome systems.
"Some of the well-known types are the durum, emmet , Polish, and poulard. These are tetraploids. and there is the einkorn, which is a diploid. "
Abstract : It is difficulty to select and breed apomictic germplasm among diploid rices at present, but it has become a hotspot to select and breed apomictic germplasm among polyploid rices.
摘要 : 目前,在水平上选育水稻无融和殖种质的难度较大,而在多水平筛选水稻无融和殖新种质已成为水稻无融和殖研究新的长点。