How dare he distort the facts so brazenly!
How dare he distort the facts so brazenly!
His face was distorted by rage.
Qin biblioclast, the number of destroyed wisdom, way of thinking of Neo-Confucianism, but also distorted the statement said the number of saints.
The reports of anthropologist's fieldwork also indicate that the facts of nonliterate society defiladed and distorted by literate society need a new cognition.
Sugar solutions on the surface of exposed dentine cause water to be drawn out of the dentinal tubules causing which distorts the odontoblast causing pain.
语O2(英文详解)》正文: Osmotic pressure - Water tends to move towards dense concentrations of ions.
Welds makes up in the process the substrate not to give off heat, not to distort, the unstressing, does not have the hard spot and the annealing situation.
Glass is a non-crystalline inorganic material, with the temperature rise of flacherie, when heating the softening temperature reached glass, glass will be distorted.