Beetles bury pellets of dung and lay their eggs within them.
Beetles bury pellets of dung and lay their eggs within them.
You can see the fresh buffalo dung on the country road.
Scarab beetle amulets portrayed the beetle's persistence in rolling a dung ball and the reemergence of the beetle from its hole in the ground.
The variation of dripper discharge rate ranged from –2% to 14%. 2) Under soil culture, application of liquid composted chicken dung manure could meet supply sufficient nutrients for tomato growth.
(2) 鸡粪沤腐液在土壤栽培下,能满足番茄生长对养分的需求。
Land owners around Burnie in Tasmania state helped scrape together 25 kilograms of kangaroo and wallaby dung for Creative Paper Tasmania to make its first batch of the unique paper pulp.