Falkirk finished fifth in the Scottish Premier League.
Falkirk finished fifth in the Scottish Premier League.
High-street sales have fallen for the fifth consecutive month.
主商业街区销量已经连续5 降了。
The fifth chapter will bear on the geography of the country.
United, currently lying in fifth place, have recovered after a shaky start.
The fifth is assigned to crack shaft (with the doline in the same seam).
In addition, these four kinds of megalopa are different on the fifth pleopod, third maxilliped and fifth pereiopod.
Inheritance is zero, the honesty first, study the second, the manner third, assiduous fourth, the hardhead fifth.
Otic vesicle An epithelial sac behind the fifth rhombomere forming the semicircular canals dorsally and the otolith organs ventrally.
Ingredient: KL sublimation medicinal preparation 80%, dextrorotary alkyne fifth heavenly stem chrysanthemum ester 2-3%, function medicinal preparation 1- 3%.
KL升华剂80%,右旋炔戊菊酯2-3%,功能剂1- 3%。
In MP method, gaps are coded as missing data, the fifth character and treated by simple indel coding method respectively.
Those were the halcyon days of Athens (fifth century BC) when she produced her finest poetry and drama, architecture and sculpture.
D. frascone's fourth and fifth pairs of pereiopods on the carapace have hooked ends and therefore enable them to carry things.
位于背甲上的第四对及第五对步足,末端 呈钩状,使疣面关公蟹具有携物之能力。
The fifth part is about the deraignment of Guaranty Insurance of Motorcar Consumption Credit.The main point is the preferential deraignment of insurance agent.
On 63 bubu flower, parasitic seed, was Reinado destroyed four fifths of the blood, and casually out of a move, Boubou spent hung up.
The fifth floor of the hotel will feature a landscaped roof garden including an outdoor heated swimming pool, a terrace and Jacuzzi with sundeck.
The bulker company is the fourth consecutive shipping issuer to price below its target range.A fifth withdrew its flotation rather than accept a discount.
Once seven Swabians were together. The first was Herr Schulz, the second Jackli, the third Marli, the fourth Jergli, the fifth Michal, the sixth Hans, and the seventh Veitli.