Phosphorous Pentoxide(P 2 O 5 ) ?P 2 O 5 is a kind of light white minicrystal powder which is made by burning phosphorus with excess oxygen.
五氧化二磷( P 2 O 5 ) ·五氧化二磷是在过量氧气存在下燃烧元素磷得到的白色、微晶质粉末。
Phosphorous Pentoxide(P 2 O 5 ) ?P 2 O 5 is a kind of light white minicrystal powder which is made by burning phosphorus with excess oxygen.
五氧化二磷( P 2 O 5 ) ·五氧化二磷是在过量氧气存在下燃烧元素磷得到的白色、微晶质粉末。