First came the turbojet, now obsolete, then the turboprop, which is still found onboard small planes.
First came the turbojet, now obsolete, then the turboprop, which is still found onboard small planes.
The ships are fitted with C- and S-band monopulse tracking radar, Cinetheodolite laser ranging and tracking system, velocimetry system, and onboard computers to track and control the spacecraft.
测量船配备有C-和 S-波段单脉冲跟踪雷达,激光测距经纬仪和跟踪系统,测速系统和舰载计算机去跟踪和控
Onboard aircraft were of mainly the floatplane type.They were stored above deck, usually within the center region of the ship on a small catapult used to launch the aircraft into the air.