To examine the pathogen through massaging the prostata and collecting the EPS.
To examine the pathogen through massaging the prostata and collecting the EPS.
But the pathogens could not invade the host easily in sabulous loam soils.
It is the key factor regulating programmed cell death in pathogen, evocator and hormone responses.
Furthermore, sugarcane ratoon stunning disease pathogen can be rapidly detected by means of television phase contrast microscope and PCR.
Conclusion: It appears to be effective to use Tinidazole stilus as local application against periodontal pathogens.
The spores of Bacillus popilliae which are specialized pathogens of the scarabaeid beetles are difficult to be reproduced in vitro.
Klebsiella pneumoniae was the pathogen most frequently encountered.Seven of the ten patients had underlying disease, and hemoglobinopathy was frequently associated.
This paper made a study of the variety regulation of pathogens in the activated sludge through biological fermentation using Aspergillus niger as zymophyte.
Anti-pathogen effect of extracts from exopleura of Ginkgo Bbiloba L. on common pathogens of tomatoes was studied in laboratory and in pot experiments.
Morethan,the emphasizes on the key role of pyrogeneous pathogen in the developing prossess of insomnia by discussing its effect on function of viscera.
By dissecting moribund fishes and isolationg the pathogens, we found that the “infection syndrome” was a complex polyinfection caused by Myxosporea and secondary bacterial infection.
In the imcompatible interaction and the nonhost interaction between wheat and barley powdery mildew pathogen, much more active oxygen was examined, especially in the nonhost resistant interaction.
An intelligent instrument to predict the infection of pear leaves by pathogen of Venturia nashicola was designed based on 89C51 single chip and SHT15 smart temperature and humidity sensor.