Furthermore, the protein isolated in the periplasm can be purified by nickel ion affinity chromatography.
Furthermore, the protein isolated in the periplasm can be purified by nickel ion affinity chromatography.
Water can be purified by filtration through sand.
The antisera against purified goatpox virus were obtained from rabbits and guinea pigs.
Molecular weight determinations on the purified material were conducted in benzene solutions by cryoscopic method.
In this case, the landfill leachates can be purified effectively by the method of Sublime Micrometre Filtration(SMF).
The water is treated, purified and sold to us, often at a thousandfold increase in price.
The expression product of ScFv was purified through Ni-NTA agarose metal affinity resin column and renatured.
经金属螯合亲和层析柱(Ni-NTA agarose)纯化和凝胶柱上在位复性后,ELISA结果证实其具有良好的结合β3抗原活性。
The purified polysaccharides is determined by colourimetry with sulfuric acid phenol as colourimetric reagent.
Agalwood incense could make you feel calm, also can purify our magnetic field.
The Biozone 100V Vehicle Air Purifier is designed to purify the air in trucks, vans, and small RVs.
拜奥 100V 型号的净化范围适用于货车、客货车及小型RV旅行车。
This paper analyzes the purifying and processing method of superabundance mother liquid in the production process of chloroactic acid.
METHODS The hydroxyl groups of magnolol were protected using ketol reaction and the products were purified by recrystallization from hexane.
This is achieved by first crystallizing the purified biomolecule into ordered arrays and then using X-ray diffraction to analyze the crystals.
Paraxylene is a petrochemical used to make purified terephthalic acid, a raw material for producing polyester film, packaging resin and fabrics.
Our findings indicate that both opsin genes have been under purifying selection in the majority bats despite a long history of nocturnality.
From rosin purified abietic acid was prepared by using abietic acid as stared material acylamino surfactant was synthesized by maleric anhydride and diethanolamine.
In this paper, not only unpurified fraction, but also highly purified snake venoms are discussed,such as rhodostomin, acutobin, agkistrodon halys antithrombotic enzyme, batroxobin.
It is concluded that the efficiency of purifying water quality and conserving water resource can be enhanced through planting hydrophytic aquatic vegetation in wetlands.
Modified calcium aluminate as a purifying agent, with two functions both of coagulability and desaltification, can be produced from industrial waste slag from alumina plant.
Etodolac was synthesized with 7-ethyltryptophol and methyl 3-oxopentanoate as the starting materials.Highly pure etodolac was obtained by purifying the crude product with a mixing solvent.