A liquid filters through a strainer,into the receptacle beneath.
A liquid filters through a strainer,into the receptacle beneath.
An elongation or enlargement of the receptacle, as in the flowers of the Boraginaceae.
雌基 Gynobase 花托的伸长或膨大,如紫草科的花。
Epigyny The type of flower structure in which the perianth and androecium are inserted above the gynoecium, giving an inferior ovary, fused with the receptacle.
Syconium (syconus) A composite inflorescence or fruit in which the small individual flowers are borne on the inside of a hollow receptacle, as in figs (Ficus).
A slender prolongation of the receptacle between the carpels as a central axis, as in the fruits of some members of the Umbelliferae (Apiaceae) and the Geraniaceae.
果瓣柄 Carpophore 花托在两个心皮间的细长延伸,作为中轴,如某些伞形科和牻 牛儿苗科植物的果实。