If a person is short-sighted, images are focused in front of their retina.
人如果近视的话, 图像就会聚焦在视网膜前方。
If a person is short-sighted, images are focused in front of their retina.
人如果近视的话, 图像就会聚焦在视网膜前方。
It is supposed that emmetropic retinal detachment is associated with the aging of vitreous body and retina.
Inhibiting the neovascularization of retina and chorioid is the key therapeutic strategy for curing angiogenesis disease of retina and chorioid.
Objective To investigate the therapeutic effects of retina tears location and cryoretinopexy seal under direct observation with an surgery microscope.
F ig.1 D ot b lotting p icture of p53 and bcl-2 of retina l tis-sue of 20-w eek d iabetic rat.
图1第20周糖尿病大鼠视网膜组织p53和bcl-2 dotb lotting像。实验组为阳而对照组为阴
Conclusion: Condensation to partial ciliary body and the whole retina plus second-stage trabeculectomy is one of so effective methods in the treatment of neoformative vascular glaucoma.
In the meantime, absorb many infrared ray, the eye ground that the direct illuminate place of orthoptic sun or intense arc light causes is injured, if common solar sex retina is choroid burnable.