and we found the Salicide process compatible the Silicide and Polycide process in the advanced process.
在更进步的工艺中把Silicide 与 Polycide 一起制造,而发展出所谓Salicide 工艺。
and we found the Salicide process compatible the Silicide and Polycide process in the advanced process.
在更进步的工艺中把Silicide 与 Polycide 一起制造,而发展出所谓Salicide 工艺。
We have implemented the FPGA chip (named FDP250K) based on the SMIC 0.18um Logic 1P6M Salicide 1.8V/3.3V technology and full-custom circuit design methodology.
本文采用SMIC 0.18um Logic 1P6M Salicide 1.8V/3.3V工艺,通过全定制电路设计法对自主开发的FPGA芯片(代号FDP250K)进行了版图实现,并进而流片。