2.Objective: To conduct pharmacognosical studies on the seedling of Calystegia sepium(L) R.Br.
3.The transplanting survival rates of germule seedlings grown from seeds treated by different methods were 100%.
[结论] 双层湿滤纸暗培养法是黑莓种理想发方法。
4.The differences of biomass, growth rhythm and phenophase among 12 provenance seeds at the seedling stage were evaluated.
5.UV-B-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimmers (CPD) in the DNA of rice seedlings were measured using ELISA with specific monoclonal antibody.
6.Propagation: The feijoa grows easily from seed, but the seedlings are not always true to type.
7.Every seedling organs are of aerenchyma, etc.All of these characters are similar to Euryale ferox, Alisma orientale and Hydrilla verticillala.
8.Larix kaempferi Carr. seedlings were more photophilic and had strong photosynthetic capacity, which were not prone to photoinhibition,while Larix gmelinii Rupr. seedlings were more shade-tolerant.
9.The results showed that NO could completely reverse the inter-veinal chlorosis induced by iron deficiency and increase chlorophyll content in the leaves of maize seedlings.
10.GGR can promote the development of cotton roots like rhizogenic powder.It can also help seedling height, the number of lateral roots, root dry weight, boll weight and boll number per plant.