He became a British citizen, thereby gaining the right to vote.
成了英国公民, 因而得到了投票权。
He became a British citizen, thereby gaining the right to vote.
成了英国公民, 因而得到了投票权。
I have never been to that city; thereby I don't know much about it.
我从未去过那座城市, 因此对么熟悉。
Thereby hangs a tale.
He regards Marxism as basic principle containing all kinds of theories, thereby rumly combines with postmodernism.
Here, we explored the potential of utilizing MSCs to reconstruct orofacial tissue, thereby altering the orofacial appearance.
Their biological activity is generally attributable to inhibition of NADH: ubiquinone oxidoreductase activity and thereby mitochondrial respiration.
Exchange control restricts the right of holders of a currency to exchange it for other currencies.It thereby renders a currency inconvertible.
The communication abbacy that assured an earth station thereby but by other 3 grounds stage repeat coverage, assure the dependability of communication.
Working on a comparable timescale, SIM should provide positional information for a subsample of faint stars, thereby probing the most tenuous star streams.
Thereby, the method of nephelometer could replace colony counting method, and it would become the best way to count the number of Oenococcus oeni.
Nasal cannulae are now aailable with a separate tube that can be attached to the sampling probe from a capnograph, thereby allowing for end-tidal CO2 monitoring.
Conclusion:NTHI is a new technology in ultrasound diagnosis which can enhance tissue resolution,improving sonograph quality by reducing artifact and cultter,thereby it is useful to increase ultraso...
In addition, only certain murine mAb isotypes hae been shown to effectiely bind to and actiate elements of the human immune system, thereby triggering cytotoxic effector functions10.
Therefore the electrode can be used for welding of pipe, stainless and fine parts.Thereby it has been adopted in place of Thoriated Tungsten electrode on many aspects.
20 The Gulf stream transports large amounts of heat from the tropics to middle and high latitudes, and thereby affects weather phenomena such as cyclogenesis and low cloud formation.
Individuals crossing exclusively within the same population produce more progeny than those crossing in both directions and thereby use up some of their gametes for the production of inviable hybrids.
The stress of cash flow may let the banks pay higher attention to and even get involved in enterprise management in the capacity of loaners, thereby urging state-owned enterprises to improve management.
In the esophagus, the mucosa collapses against the distal end of the endotracheal tube, thereby limiting the ability to fully pull back on a syringe or for a flexible compressed bulb to reexpand.
The shape of this kind of box, appearance that just has grown hip can add a few width and ply to the person, make a figure unapt thereby get malformation lankily long and thin.