Pain with motion is the predominant finding, and crepitation may be palpated with pa ive motion.
Pain with motion is the predominant finding, and crepitation may be palpated with pa ive motion.
Results The tes ticles of 5 cases with short time or incomplete torsion were salvaged by operati ve detorsion.
To establish the animal model of re pa rative dentinogenesis and investigate the histo-morphological feature of reparat ive dentinogenesis.
The VERL, a giant, unbranched glycoprotein comprising 30% of the VE, exists in the vitelline envelope and fuses with lysin by species-specificity.
As a co-inventor of NovaMin, the active ingredient in Oravive I am excited about people being able to experience NovaMin outside of just the clinical studies weve done.