Westminster was refounded as a Benedictine monastery under Mary Tudor.
One such institution, hec Paris, has nevertheless decided to send students on a trek through the French countryside to a remote village, where a Benedictine monk (a former lawyer) guides them through ethical dilemmas.
尽管如此,hec Paris 这样的机构还是决定派学生徒步穿越法国乡村到一个偏远的村庄, 在那一位本笃会修道士( 前律师) 会指导他们解决道德困境。
The Ave Maria Grotto, where a Benedictine monk built 125 miniature replicas of famous buildings, religious sites, and shrines — all made in part from found objects such as cold cream jars and toilet floaters — occupies a four-acre park in Cullman.
圣玛利亚石窟,一位本笃会修道士在这建造了 125 个著名建筑和宗教遗址的微型复制品,还有神龛——部分是由发现的物品制成的,比如冷奶油罐和马桶漂浮物——占据了卡尔曼一个四英亩的公园。