This sort of work fag ged me out.
The room has been bug ged.
Eventually I'll get my GED but grown-up life is really hard so you know.
So, Peter would take the GED, which would be the equivalent of graduating from high school.
Opening the box, he looked at the GED study book.
The Alexandria Seaport Foundation works to help them prepare for and pass a series of tests called the GED.
You can learn more about test topics, format, and costs at GED. com.
你可以在 上了解更多关考试主题、格式费用的信息。
Unlike AP and IB, many dual enrollment courses are available to students taking the GED in lieu of traditional high school classes.
与 AP IB 不同的是,许多双学分课程对参加 GED 考试的学生来说是可行的,可以替代传统的高中课程。
The GED will soon be harder and more expensive. Changes to the high school equivalency test take effect in January.
Got her GED after dropping out of high school.
Do you start treatment by finding him a job, getting him an apartment or helping him earn his GED?
您是通过给他找工作、给他买公寓或帮助他获得 GED 来开始治疗?
We teach the fathers parenting skills, life skills, and they receive a job, a GED, or training, along with the side.
Generally, students over the age of 19 take the GED examinations, if they need to.
一般来说,19 岁以上的学生如果需要,可以参加 GED 考试。
She was gorgeous, with a PhD. I was handsome, with a GED. (Laughter) We built something magical.
她很漂亮,有博士学位。 我很帅,有 GED。(笑声) 我们建造了一些神奇的东西。
We're also going to talk about the GED – what that is, who gets it, and why.
我们还讨论 GED——它是什么, 谁得到它,为什么。
About 15 million people have taken the GED exam, since it began, and passed.
自 GED 考试开始以来,大约有 1500 万人参加并通过了考试。
The youngest age you can take the GED is 16.
您可以参加 GED 的最小年龄是 16 岁。
About one out of every 20 college students, or five percent of all college students, got a GED first.
大约每 20 名大学生中就有一人, 即所有大学生的百分之五,首先获得了 GED。
Our second topic is something called the " GED." Most Americans know what the GED is.
我们的第二个主题是所谓的“GED”。 大多数美国人都知道GED是什么。
The GED, then, is a series of tests – five tests about topics that you would normally study in high school.
那么,GED 是一系列测试——五项关您通常会在高中学习的主题的测试。
Two-year colleges, sometimes known as junior or community colleges, typically give associates degrees, technical certifications, and sometimes high-school equivalency degrees, or GEDs.
两年制大学, 有时称为大专或社区大学,通常授予副学士学位、技术证书, 有时还授予高中同等学历或 GED。
The GED is made up of four separate tests on different subjects but you do not have to take each part at the same time.
GED 由四门不同科目的独立考试组成,但你不必同时参加每一部分的考试。