| 划词

Several compromised remote computers redirect incoming HTTP traffic on TCP port 80 to the central web server with the help of the redir port redirector.



Curl is a command line tool to transfer data from or to a server, using one of the supported protocols (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, TFTP, DICT, TELNET, LDAP or FILE).

Curl是一个命令行工具来从服务器上获取数据或传送数据到服务器上,这需要使用的一支持的协议(HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, TFTP, DICT, TELNET, LDAP 或 FILE)。



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To do this, it uses the aptly named Hypertext Transfer Protocol, or HTTP.

为此,它使用恰当命名超文本传输​​协议或 HTTP。


So, I go here and like, oh maybe I want to change this HTTPS link to an HTTP.

所以,我来到这里,我想将此 HTTPS 链接更改为 HTTP。

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In later versions, HTTP added status codes, which prefixed any hypertext that was sent following a GET request.

在后来版本中,HTTP 添加了状态代码,它作为 GET 请求后发送任何超文本前缀。


The most successful social networking website in the UK is http: www... comdocec12483279.html, .

英国最成功社交是http: //www...comdocec12483279.html,。


First is the address bar, where you're used to seeing " http" . Secure websites have an address that starts with http" s" for secure.


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And if a site just uses plain old http, don’t type anything in there you wouldn’t want a hacker to see.

如果一个点只使用普通旧 http, 请不要在其中键入任何你不想让黑客看到内容。

科技 Crash Course

The very first documented version of this spec, HTTP 0.9, created in 1991, only had one command – " GET" .

该规范第一个文档版本 HTTP 0.9 创建于 1991 年,只有一个命令——“GET”。

科技 Crash Course

To pull this feat off, he simultaneously created several of the fundamental web standards we discussed today: URLs, HTML and HTTP.

为了实现这一壮举,他同时创建了我们今天讨论几个基本络标准:URL、HTML 和 HTTP。



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