Hanover was incorporated into Prussia in 1886.
Hanover Street held no terrors for him.
The 36-year-old was born Patrick in Hanover, Germany.
We made Chungking Express in 1994, which was three years before the Hanover.
John Turner is Director of Debate at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire.
Hanover Online School in Ashland, Virginia, thanks for subscribing typing and commenting on our YouTube channel.
弗吉尼亚州阿什兰的汉诺威在线学校,感谢您订阅我们的 YouTube 频道并留言。
But the visitors from Hanover say they heard skiers lost their lives while using trails closed for safety reasons.
Architectural office MVRDV took a similar approach when designing the Netherlands' pavilion for the 2000 Expo in Hanover, Germany.
建筑事务所 MVRDV 在设计 2000 年德国汉诺威世博会荷兰馆采用了类似的方法。
He would spit and wink slyly when he spoke of District Six and the women he knew in Hanover Street.
Have you never heard of Hanover in Germany?
Evacuations like this have had to be made before Hanover.
Hany Farid is a digital forensics expert at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire.
Hany Farid 新罕布什尔州汉诺威达特茅斯学院的数字取证专家。
Hanover who were descended on one side from James II’s grandfather, King James I, who
The House of Hanover was notorious for cousin to cousin marriage, sometimes first cousin, sometimes second or third.
汉诺威王朝因表亲结婚而臭名昭著, 有第一代表亲,有第二或第三代表亲。
Dada was an international movement with other bases of operation in Paris, Berlin, Cologne, Hanover, and New York.
In northwestern Germany, about 10 percent of the residents of Hanover had to leave their homes earlier this week.
在德国西北部,汉诺威约 10% 的居民本周早些候不得不离开家园。
" It's in Hanover. I can stay only a few days. I am on my way to the coast" .
“在汉诺威。我只能待几天。我正在去海边的路上” 。
Then Lou was afraid we looked foolish standing outside in the pasture, so we went back to Hanover feeling very sad.
然后娄担心我们站在外面的牧场看起来很傻, 所以我们非常难过地回到了汉诺威。
MONTILLA: Back in June, Vincent and her partner were driving home from work on route one when they stopped by a Goodwill store in Hanover.
There he was, turning over a portfolio of chromo " studies" which the druggist sold to the Hanover women who did china-painting.
在那儿,交出药剂师卖给从事瓷器绘画的汉诺威妇女的彩色“研究” 组合。
I think Wikipedia put it best when they said " Dartmouth College is a private Ivy League University in Hanover, New Hampshire, United States."