Potter and Injun Joe were carrying a handbarrow with a rope and a couple of shovels on it.
He also finds Injun Joe's treasure box and takes it away.
" But Injun Joe may be inside! " he cried.
" You killed the doctor, " Injun Joe lied to Potter.
Just then, Injun Joe heard a noise from upstairs and looked up.
Tom has more trouble because a bad man named Injun Joe is looking for him.
Injun Joe had broken a window and leapt through it.
Injun Joe and the man disappeared with the bags of treasure.
Injun Joe appeared and repeated his lie.
" I do, too. But I am afraid of Injun Joe, " Said Huck sadly.
Just then, Injun Joe picked up Potter's knife and stabbed Dr. Robinson.
Injun Joe told everyone Potter killed the doctor.
" Look at this! It's full of gold coins, " exclaimed Injun Joe.
He felt willing to risk Injun Joe and all other terrors.
But tonight Huck was only interested in treasure — Injun Joe's treasure.
Injun Joe started to go upstairs, but the steps collapsed under his weight.
" Here, under the fireplace." answered Injun Joe.
'Perhaps, ' he thought, 'Injun Joe's cross is in there.
“也许,” 他想,“军的十字架就在那里。
" Let's bury it with our bag of silver coins." answered Injun Joe.
Injun Joe was on the ground, dead, his face to the door and his knife in his hand.
第安·倒在地上, 死了,脸对着门,手里拿着刀。
Only one bottle alongside of Injun Joe ain't enough.
只有一瓶 Injun Joe 是不够的。