It has a certain je ne sais quoi that really appeals to me.
What did you make of the controversy over " Je t'aime" ?
你怎么看《Je t'aime》这首歌的争议?
Montreal is a city with a certain je ne sais quoi.
I jes drop a line to say we git on fust rate.
" Je ne sais qua" means I don't know what.
" 就该是这样的" 意思就是不知道为啥会这样。
There's just a certain mysterious element, a certain je ne sais qua.
He doan fool nobody. An' you is jes' de same.
But Miss Ellen jes' as cool as a cucumber.
That slouchy, sexy, je ne sais quoi thing. But I am the customer that wants it.
那种慵懒 性感 说不上来的风格 但是是一个想拥有这一切的消费者。
" Je prends, " she replied. " I'll take it" .
“Je prends, ” 她回答道。“它” 。
" I jes' wanted to tell you I was here" .
“只是想告诉你在这里” 。
" Ah! je m'en fiche! Her case was certainly not interesting" .
“啊!je m'en fiche!她的案子肯定不有趣” 。
" I jes aint foun de right thing to hit it wid" .
“还没有找到正确的方法来击中它” 。
But the name " Uncle mozzie" does have a certain je ne sais quoi.
The expression in French for I wonder is, ''je m'interroge, '' literally, ''l ask me.''
用法语表述的想法就是“je m'interroge”直译就是“问”。
" Name be's Beatrice. I be's 'Geechee. Folks jes' calls me 'Geechee" .
“名字是比阿特丽斯。是'Geechee。伙计们jes'称为'Geechee” 。
" I do not know. But I have a premonition — a je ne sais quoi" !
“不知道。但有一种预感——不知道” !
The cold stethoscope against my heart and my strongest feeling " Je m'en fiche de tout" .
冰冷的听诊器贴着的心, 最强烈的感受是“Je m'en fiche de tout” 。
" I jes' got to git these back, " he said.
“真的得把这东西还回去, ” 他说。
AMY CURTIS MARCH Dear Mis March, I jes drop a line to say we git on fust rate.
AMY CURTIS MARCH 亲爱的 March 女士,想写信告诉你们已经开始了。
On passing Kollomietzev she said involuntarily, in an undertone: " Mon Dieu, que je me sens fatiguee" !
经过 Kollomietzev 时, 她不由自主地低声说:“Mon Dieu, que je me sens fatigue” !