The paper expounds and contrasts improved MC FeMn presmelting process adding ore in rocking furnace with original process .
This paper introduces formula total water headloss of MC media filter anddiscusses the parameters of design calculation of MC media filter through the experiment.
This assignment helps members practice being an MC for a meeting, that is a master of ceremonies.
What exactly is the MC's function?
He's an MC and a designer, and he always starts the party.
他是一名 MC 兼设计师,他总是开始派。
My Grandfather was a compere, which is like an MC in the clubs.
我的祖父是个主持人 就像酒吧的司仪一样。
A... A lot of attitude from the woman who thought MC squared was a rapper.
This is often shortened down to " produce where MR equals MC" . Let's break it down.
这通常被缩减为" produce where MR equals MC" ,我们分解一下它。
How do I... In the MC, is it MCU universe? - MCU universe. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
我怎么… … 是在漫威电影宇宙中吗?- 漫威电影宇宙。- 是的,是的,是的,是的。
The remaining mass is released as energy whose magnitude is given by Einstein's E equals MC squared.
剩余的质量将以能量的形式释放出来,能量的大小可由爱因斯坦提出的方程E = MC^2算出。
It's very easy. As a matter of fact, you know, lyrically, as an MC, that stuff comes easy.
As well as a meal, you can have an MC, a Master of Ceremonies, who'll be with you throughout the party.
And they're also your support—if anything goes wrong, the MC will deal with it, so you can relax.
It used to be a pirate radio station that featured early MCs.
它曾经是一个以早期 MC 为特色的盗版广播电台。
Oh, you know, I'm the MC this year.
" MC, " of course, stands for " master of ceremonies."
“MC” 当然是“司仪” 的意。
Let me guess, you got me MC Paper Rap?
让我猜猜,你得到了我的 MC Paper Rap?
Well, I was thinking of starting with Jay-Z featuring Punjabi MC, Beware of the Boys.
- 好吧,我正在考虑从 Jay-Z 开始播放旁遮普语 MC, 当心男孩。
Maciunas was often the MC at Fluxus events, but it had a relatively diverse roster of members and participants.
" The MC tried to get the hecklers, " " hecklers, " " to calm down."
“MC 试图让 hecklers” 、“hecklers” 、“冷静下来。
That’s Rakim. He’s widely regarded as one of the most influential MCs of all time.
那是拉金姆。 他被广泛认为是有史以来最有影响力的 MC 之一。
The law allows an indefinite funding freeze for parties whose leaders are charged with involvement in a criminal group or terrorism. Here's MC.