The Sciuridae from Shihuiba, a late Miocene hominoid locality at Lufeng, Yunnan Province are described.
And they are known from the late Miocene, about eight million years ago.
它们出现在大约 800 即中新世末期。
And it was only one of many species of carnivorous whales in the middle Miocene.
Stupendemys lived about 7-13 million years ago during the Miocene Epoch near modern South America.
Discokeryx lived in open grasslands with small groups of trees during a time known as the Miocene period.
Paleoanthropologists found the newly identified diurnal owl lived around 6 million years ago in the late Miocene period.
类学家发现这种新发现昼夜猫头鹰生活在大约 600 中新世晚期。
This major climatic shift likely caused the extinction of many Miocene ape lineages.
Many other lineages of apes thrived during the Miocene.
So what caused this really bad day in the Miocene?
那么是什么导致了中新世这个非常糟糕一天 呢?
Now, being so big probably helped them deal with large Miocene predators, like saber-toothed barbourofelids.
现在, 体型如此之大可能有助于它们对付大型中新世食肉动物,例如剑齿虎科动物。
The largest are the thunderbirds called Dromornis stirtoni. And they are known from the late Miocene, about eight million years ago.
体型最大雷鸟是史氏雷啸鸟(Dromornis stirtoni)。生活代为中新世晚期,约为800。
So, as they became increasingly adapted to their grassy new environment, equines thrived throughout the Miocene.
因此, 随着它们越来越适应新草地环境,马科动物在整个中新世蓬勃发展。
For the most part, the rest of the Miocene continued the trends that began in the Oligocene.
在大多数情况下,中新世其余部分 延续了渐新世开始趋势。
This means the Miocene graveyard couldn't have been caused by the behavior of a single species.
In the Late Miocene, another adversary shows up in the fossil record -- the earliest ancestor of the Great White Shark, Carcharodon hubbelli.
The climate cooled repeatedly into and throughout the Miocene and Pliocene Epochs, driving other periods of selection for weasel-like body plans.
During the Oligocene and Miocene Epochs, it made huge, spiraled dens in the earth.
Some paleontologists have interpreted living African apes as time capsules of Miocene apes that roamed the earth from five to 23 million years ago.
一些生物学家将现存非洲猿解释为 5 到 2300 在地球上漫游中新世猿时间胶囊。
And it only approached the Asian Sunda continental shelf in the west around 20 to 25 million years ago in the late Oligocene or early Miocene epoch.
而且,它只有在大约 2,000 到 2,500 渐新世晚期或中新世早期和在西面亚洲巽他大陆接壤。
Pimiento and her team used a climate forecasting model to recreate ocean temperatures during the Pliocene and Miocene, and compared those temperatures to where Megalodon had lived.
The start of the Miocene marked the end of these largest of the rhinos, with only their smaller cousins left behind.