The last play concerns the punishment of Orestes at the hands of the Furies, or Erinyes, the goddesses who purge him of the sin of matricide.
In Aeschylus, Orestes doubts the legitimacy of his action in killing his mother, and turns to Pylades, who, in his only line in the play, reassures Orestes that Apollo has ordained the act.
在埃斯库罗斯 (Aeschylus) , 俄瑞斯忒斯 (Orestes) 怀疑他杀死母亲的行为的合法性,并求助于皮拉德斯 (Pylades), 皮拉德斯在剧唯一的台词向俄瑞斯忒斯保证,阿波罗已命定了这一行为。
In Euripides' Electra, Medea, and Orestes, we witness catastrophe upon catastrophe, events that are so " badly motivated" that they require the external, mechanical intercession of the deus ex machina that Aristotle criticizes.