For convenience in application, RA series of fluxes, in which pinic acid is the main active component, were prepared.
Objective To study the efficacy and safety of leflunomide (LEF) in the treatment of active rheuma-toid arthritis (RA) compared to methotrexate (MTX).
Objective: To observe the effect of life quality,pain,morning stiffness,tumidity and other clinical symptoms in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) treating depression by TCM.
On the basis of the characters of HG - II myriametre rail welder and thetechnological request of rail gas pressure welding in the field, a ra.
AI stands for artificial intelligence and RA stands for remote assistance.
But “la” and “ra” are phonemes that do not exist in the Japanese language.
In undergraduate school, I was a resident assistant, which is known as an RA.
在本科阶段,我是一名研究助,也就是所谓 RA。
A resident assistant or RA, this is a position at a college or university in a dorm.
研究助 RA,是一个在学院大学宿舍里职位。
But the Japanese R-sound “ra” is actually closer to our L-sound “la” than it is to the English " ra" .
但是日语中 R 音“ ra ”实际上更接近 L 音“ la ”,而不是英语中“ ra ”。
We were friends, I was his RA.
我们是朋友, 我是他 RA。
So the tongue root, the back of the tongue, comes up for 'ra, ra, ra.'
所,后部,出现“ra, ra,ra” 。
Get it, get it, ra--, ra-- I don't get it.
明白了,明白了,ra--, ra-- 我不明白。
You're the most legendary RA we've ever had.
Ra-- ra-- A flap T to connect the two words.
Ra-- ra-- A flap T 连接两个词。
I was an RA when I went to school here.
In undergraduate school, i was a resident assistant, which is known as an RA.
在本科学校,我是一名居民助,也就是众所周知 RA。
When the recording switched to “la la ra” a toy to the side would light up and play a musical tune.
当录音切换到“la la ra”时,旁边一个玩具就会亮起来,并播放音乐。
So you can start with: " da" ; now say: " ra" .
所你可从:“da” 开始; 现在说:“ra” 。
Again, I, kind of, wrote some brief notes here, you know, foramen ovale, RA to LA 'cause fetal lungs don't work.
同样地,我在里写了一些简短笔记,你知道,卵圆孔,从 RA 到 LA,因为胎儿肺不起作用。
住宿助 RA,是学院大学宿舍职位。
And this is my last art project because Kali, it's one of my nicknames and I won a RA for Mars.
- 是我最后一个艺术项目, 因为 Kali,是我昵称之一, 我为火星赢得了 RA。
After asking their RA for advice, they set up a meeting with their academic advisor to make sure all of their questions are answered.
在向他们 RA(research assistantship,助研)征求意见后,他们与他们学术顾问举行了一次会议,确保他们所有问题都得到了回答。
Narrator: Although the RA had two female founders the academy only allowed female life drawing classes in 1883, after various petitions.
旁白:虽然 RA 有两位女性创始人,但在经过各种请愿后,该学院于 1883 年只允许女性写生课程。
So your general American 'r' is in the front of the mouth, " ra, ra, ra" or really more in the middle, the middle of the tongue.
所你一般美国 'r' 在嘴巴前面, “ra, ra, ra”者更确切地说是在中间, 头中间。