Just like the iMac Pro, a lot of the speed has to do with the fact that it is using a T2 chip to handle all of the stuff including actually running the SSD.
It's got a 3.2 gigahertz, 16-core Intel Xeon W processor, two Radeon Pro VEGA II graphic cards, 96 gigabytes of RAM and one terabyte SSD. And on paper, it is a total beast.
它有 3. 2 GHz、 16 核 Intel Xeon W 处理器、两 Radeon Pro VEGA II 显卡、 96 GB RAM 和 1 TB SSD。 在纸面上, 它完全是头野兽。
Firstly, the original 5400 RPM hard drives, those are about 100 megabytes per second read and write whereas, with the SSDs, those are about four to five times performance, just about 500 megabytes per second read and write.
So, first of all, I have a 2016 MacBook Pro and this is going to be the high-end of that year so we're getting to Core i7, 16 gigs of RAM, Radeon Pro 460 graphics, as well as a 1TB SSD.
首先,我有台2016年 MacBook Pro,这是那年高端机型,它搭载了i7核心,16G内存,Radeon Pro 460显卡,还有1TB固态。