Shiloh was born with "mermaid syndrome," also known as sirenomelia, and she only had one partially working kidney, no lower colon or genital organs and her legs were fused from the waist down.
At Shiloh, Murfreesboro, Vicksburg, Chickamauga, Chattanooga, desperate fighting followed and, in spite of varying fortunes, it resulted in the discomfiture and retirement of Confederate forces to the Southeast into Georgia.
在希洛、默弗里斯伯勒、维克斯堡、奇卡莫加、查塔努加, 随后发生了绝望的战斗, 尽管命运各不相同,但它导致同盟军溃败并撤退到东南部进入佐治亚州。