Though motherhood looks different wherever you look, we begin with changes that are common to many mothers, as researcher Saskia van Schaik at Utrecht University explains.
Some light on this question has just been shed by a paper published in Science by Micha Ruhl of Utrecht University, in the Netherlands, and his colleagues.
Oceanographer Dr Erik van Sebille from Utrecht University says we’re facing a “tsunami” of plastic waste, and that the global waste industry needs to “get its act together”.
乌得勒支大的海洋 Erik van Sebille 博士表示, 我们正面临塑料垃圾的“海啸” ,全球垃圾行业需要“齐心协力” 。
In 1672, when the French king was at Utrecht, the bank of Amsterdam paid so readily, as left no doubt of the fidelity with which it had observed its engagements.