All the priories were made directly subject to the abbot of Cluny.
In full agreement with his abbot, Columban zealously practiced the severe discipline of the monastery, leading a life of prayer, ascesis and study.
And it was actually an abbot that pulled this dish together.
And it was designed by Manuel Rubello who was an abbot in Frisco.
I chided the abbot concerning the dust on a Buddha's face.
If they took captive earl or baron, abbot or knight, he was to be brought unharmed back to Robin Hood.
In another, a barber, an abbot, and two cardinals.
In fact, four of the six first abbots here actually became saints.
The abbot was taken aback and could not abide her abeyance.
She was very kind, but one day she was abetted by an abject abbot.
The success of the abbey has been attributed to a series of wise leaders, or " abbots."
Like everything else, this was cancelled. " We'll see if we can do it later in the year, " the abbot told me.
So I taught meditation many places, wrote three books, become bestseller, and then students and become abbot of a few monasteries.
The spot was the burial-place of a king and a queen, of abbots and abbesses, saints and bishops, knights and squires.
The abbot, in the same manner, was elected by the monks of the monastery, at least in the greater part of abbacies.
方丈以同样的方式由修道院的僧侣选举产生, 至少在大部分修道院中是这样。
When I spoke to abbot Suarez, it was 11 May – the day that Santo Domingo entered the first stage of easing. I felt envious.
Make me king's pantler—make me abbot of St. Denis; make me bailly of the Patatrac; and then I shall be changed indeed.
让我成为国王的裤子——让我成为圣丹尼斯的修道院院长; 让我对 Patatrac 感到厌烦; 然后我真的会改变。
By the time Duenas and I spoke again, two weeks later, the abbot from the town's small cathedral had lodged a complaint against her for defamation.
He didn't know whether they called their Number One abbot or prior; principal seemed to him good enough.
他不知道他们叫的是他们的头号住持还是前; 校长在他看来已经足够好了。
Lifting a clump of pansies with a careful trowel, the abbot planted them in an earthen pot, " Take this home, " he said.
方丈小心翼翼地拿起一丛三色紫罗兰, 把它们种在一个陶罐里, “把这个带回家, ” 他说。
The abbot, Father Ensheim, the guests, and the monk in charge of them went into a small room where we had coffee and talked of casual things.
修道院院长、恩斯海姆神父、客人们和负责他们的修道士走进一个小房间, 我们在那里喝咖啡, 聊些随意的事情。
The monks seemed to stay on sufferance, as though they awaited a notice to quit; and in the smile of the abbot, with his beautiful politeness, was the irony of resignation.
僧侣们似乎一直在忍耐, 好像他们在等待退出的通知。在方丈的微笑中, 带着他美丽的礼貌, 是顺从的讽刺。