He hid his feelings behind a gruff abruptness.
The abruptness of this increase suggests that that this change is environmental.
" Where did you get that phrase" ? I demanded, with an abruptness that in turn startled her.
" 你从哪儿听见那个说法的?" 我问。 问得突然,叫她吃了一惊。
" Exactly, " said John, with rather unnecessary abruptness.
But abruptness does not catch a woman without her wit.
但是,没有她的智慧, 唐突并不能抓住一个人。
She wanted to apologize for her abruptness.
He spoke with a peculiar abruptness that made the poor woman look at him in amazement.
他说话特别唐突, 让怜的人吃惊地看着他。
She was touched also by an ingenuous candour which gave a persuasive charm to his abruptness.
她也被一天真的坦率所感动, 坦率使他的唐突有一令人信服的魅力。
The abruptness took him by surprise. " Well... I figure you people are pretty well fixed."
" Very well, " said Charlotte, with a choky abruptness that was new to him, though familiar to Lucy.
“很好,” 夏洛特说,语气生硬,对他来说是陌生的, 但对露西来说却很熟悉。
Without any reason that could justify, any apology that could atone for the abruptness, the rudeness, nay, the insolence of it.
He almost started at my sudden and strange abruptness: he looked at me astonished.
She did not get up and leave the room, as she had done in former days, when his abruptness or his temper had annoyed her.
她没有起身离开房间, 就像从前他的唐突或脾气惹恼她时那样。
Then with an awkward, shy abruptness: " I have never told it to anybody yet; but I'll tell you if you care to hear" .
At last, looking up with a certain abruptness, " It is your belief that if she marries me he will cut her off" ? he asked.
最后,突然抬起头来, “你相信如果她嫁给我, 他就会和她断绝关系” ? 他问。
" Sir, " said he, " you will excuse my abruptness; but I judge you from your appearance to be pre-eminently a man of the world" .
Having no further doubt of her personality he came out with thoughtless abruptness from the closet behind her, and looking round suddenly she beheld his shadowy fur-clad outline.