He is abstracted by a bird outside the classroom.
Iron is abstracted from ore.
He has abstracted the speech.
Humic acid (HA ) was abstracted from leonardite,and a composite superabsorbent (HA PSA ) was prepared by compounding poly (acrylic acid ) and lignitic humic acid.
Then he abstracted the black pearl from its filthy hiding-place.
Her abstracted gaze rested on the smoothness of the river.
Mrs. Smith at this point abstracted her mind from the former subject.
At all events, abstracted by his grand theme, he did not heed her.
无论如何,他被他宏大主题所吸引, 没有理会她。
Articles are abstracted every day from packed cases, leaving the outline of their presence.
文章每天都包装箱中提取出来, 留下它们存在轮廓。
But when they were seated he seemed to grow strangely abstracted.
但是当他们坐下时, 他似乎变得出奇地心不在焉。
However, the actual, physical location in computer memory is hidden and abstracted by the operating system.
But her abstracted gaze scarcely noticed the blue sea and the crowded shipping in the harbour.
So we took the same objects in Tom's art and abstracted them using a human algorithm.
In the sanctuary sat the Buddha, remote and sad, wistful, abstracted and faintly smiling.
圣殿中坐着佛陀, 遥远而悲伤, 渴望,心不在焉,微微微笑。
Lavinia Fitch-dear, kind, abstracted Lavinia-manufacturer of fiction for the permanently adolescent, had after all a writer's intuition.
拉维尼娅·菲奇——亲爱、、心不在焉拉维尼娅——为永远青少年创作小说人, 毕竟拥有作家直觉。
We came to see distorted female bodies composed of flat, abstracted geometric shapes in a compressed space, with no central vanishing point.
This done, he moved with slow step and abstracted air towards a door in the wall bordering the orchard.
He replied not: he seemed serious—abstracted; he sighed; he half-opened his lips as if to speak: he closed them again.
The wary, though seemingly abstracted Uncas, caught a glimpse of the movement, and turning suddenly to the light, their looks met.
警惕,虽然看似心不在焉恩卡斯瞥见了这个动作, 然后突然转向灯光, 他们目光相遇了。
Seat thyself sultanically among the moons of Saturn, and take high abstracted man alone; and he seems a wonder, a grandeur, and a woe.
This was said with a careless, abstracted indifference, which showed that my solicitude was, at least in his opinion, wholly superfluous.
But it is an early example of an artefact from nature, abstracted from experience, whose only value was as an etched tally.
In the original problem, the rules seemed more arbitrary, and when they’re abstracted that way, the logical connections become harder to see.
在最初问题中, 规则似乎更随意,当它们以这种方式抽象时,逻辑联系变得更难看清。
The box had not been moved since last he saw it, and the empty space still held the outline of what had been abstracted.
盒子自上次见到后就没有动过, 空旷空间里还留着抽象出来轮廓。