The aforementioned person was at the scene of the accident.
One keycard to access every room on the aforementioned floor, courtesy of my contact here.
And species can be brought back with a little careful planning, like those aforementioned falcons.
The aforementioned Raynaud's phenomenon can be prevented by using gloves and socks in a cold condition.
Other environmental factors might still play a role that can increase your appetite regardless of these aforementioned effects.
The aforementioned Shawn Levy has taken the reins on the third, and he's someone Ryan Reynolds knows well.
I am now at the aforementioned YouTube event.
我现在在参加上述 YouTube 活动。
The aforementioned Randy Moss, Jordy Nelson, and Jamar Chase.
That same aforementioned 2015 FAA document specifies how much distance ATC should put between planes.
前面提到的 2015 年美国联邦航空局文件规定了 ATC 应该在飞机之间放置多少距离。
NICKA SEWELL-SMITH: " Whereas hereby aforementioned" like, what?
As observant readers may notice, many of aforementioned productions are inspired by ancient tales of monsters and mythical beings called yaoguai.
Heat off, another good mix, then in with the green part of the aforementioned scallion… and after another brief mix… out.
关火,再次搅拌均匀,加入之前提到的绿色的大葱… … 再快速搅拌一下… … 完成。
Because of this rejection of the very notion of self-identity, we gradually see Tyler's followers transform into the aforementioned space monkeys.
And here is the aforementioned David Biello. David. David Biello: Yes.
CA:这里前面提到的 David Biello。大卫。大卫·别洛:的。
The aforementioned missions from German lands, led by Ansgar, arrived in Sweden in the mid-9th century.
上述由安斯加率领的德意志使团于 9 世纪中叶抵达瑞典。
And to do so I'd like to invite in our aforementioned special guest to help us decide.
So if you would like to experience your own personal version of Inception we suggest trying aforementioned techniques.
因此, 如果您想体验您自己的《盗梦空间》个人版,我们建议您尝试上述技术。
Not just because it's fast, but because of the aforementioned multiple trains of thought happening at any given time.
The maximum wind force in some of the aforementioned regions will reach 20.8 to 36.9 meters per second, according to the center.
据该中心称,上述一些地区的最大风力将达到每秒 20.8 至 36.9 米。
The whole war started because Athens supported those aforementioned Ionian Greeks when they were rebelling in Anatolia against the Persians.
And if you do manage to convince people Slenderman explodes if it comes in contact with kittens, well, remember that aforementioned kitten-cannon?
而且,如果您确实设法说服人们,如果 Slenderman 接触到小猫就会爆炸,那么,还记得前面提到的小猫大炮吗?