This cream contains a mild analgesic to soothe stings and bites.
A 2022 study by researchers at Harvard Medical School showed that patients with fibromyalgia were most likely to feel the analgesic benefits of electrical nerve stimulation if they had increased sensitivity, as measured by QST.
哈佛医学院研究人员在 2022 年进行的一项研究表明,如果纤维肌痛患者的敏感性增加(通过 QST 测量),他们最有可能感受到电神经刺激的镇痛效果。
Tests in monkeys showed that primates could be distracted from the discomfort of a tail dipped in hot water by a dose of at-121 that was 100 times smaller than that amount of morphine required for the same analgesic effect.
在猴子身上进行的测试表明,灵长类动物可以通过 at-121 的剂量从尾巴浸入热水中的不适中转移意力,该剂量比实现相同镇痛效果所需的吗啡量小 100 倍。