This annoyingly common condition is known as eyelid myokymia.
I think it's annoyingly smart from Ebbers.
As Smith strode away in an annoyingly buoyant fashion, Ron glared after him.
As Smith strode away in an annoyingly buoyant fashion, Ron g'.ared after him.
So she's enjoying that. Both of my parents are on Skype annoyingly often.
We know that we should not make grammatical mistakes when writing, but annoyingly, we'll still do.
“Well, he certainly kept an annoyingly close watch on me after Hagrid was expelled, ” said Riddle carelessly.
And then you've got those annoyingly persistent 25 or 30% that seem to carry it on for years.
然后你会看到这个烦人的数据持续到 25% 或 30%,似乎持续了很多年。
They're called " forever chemicals" because they don't degrade easily, which makes them annoyingly difficult to get rid of.
Rory is never late. She's almost annoyingly on time.
Rory 从不迟到 她是非常的准时。
Orlando is very healthy, like annoyingly healthy.
Oh, that is actually really- that's annoyingly good.
Annoyingly, this isn't a full... pancake, American pancake mixture, right?
令人烦恼的是,这不是个完整的… … 煎饼,美国煎饼混合物,对吧?
But annoyingly I woke up like 10 minutes later so it didn't really matter.
He's got good grades and sports and he's annoyingly good-looking.
他成绩好 体育好还帅气逼人。
For someone like me who, yes, very annoyingly started studying for finals the first day of the semester, that was unsettling.
我是那种会在开学第天就为了期末考试开始紧张学习的人, 对于像我这样的人来说,那种感觉确实令人不安。
Whatever, fine. Henry is annoyingly attractive. That's always been a thing, objectively. It's fine.
You have a wife who's not easy to hate, who's annoyingly kind and painfully smart and currently saving my friend's life.
She was wearing my dark-green beret, which, annoyingly, looked much better on her than it did on me.
她戴我的深绿色贝雷帽, 令人恼火的是,这顶贝雷帽戴在她身上比戴在我身上好看多了。
The sensor kept me annoyingly aware, but I also did some simple exercises and made my workspace more ergonomic.
传感器让我烦人保持警惕,但我也做了些简单的练习, 使我的工作空间更加符合人体工程学。
And, really annoyingly, he would quiz me on how much I had read of something, just to make sure I really had.
而且,真的很烦人, 他会问我读了多少东西,只是为了确保我真的读过。