Don't let Barry know about our plans for the ski trip or he'll upset the applecart.
But the verb used with the applecart expression is usually upset.
" 但是和" 苹果车(applecart)" 表达连用的动词经常是" 扰乱(upset)" 。
In fact, the Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines an applecart as a plan, system, or situation that may be disrupted or ended.
事实上,韦氏词典里" applecart" 的定义是" 一个计划或者一被扰乱了或者被中断了。
This is where a vehicle called an applecart enters the story.
The first recorded use of applecart being used in this way appeared in 1788.
第一次有记载的" applecart" 的这用法出现在1788年。
In American English, you have upset the applecart if you ruin someone's plans or go against the usual way of doing things.
在美语里,如果你毁了别人的计划或者不遵循常规的做法,你就是" 打乱安排" 。
It must have been a big mistake years ago to upset or overturn someone's applecart.
There's nothing like putting the nervous players in first; it's the sitting with their pads on that upsets their applecart; that was another of my reasons for being so confoundedly close.
没有什么比让紧张的玩家先上场更好的了; 是坐在垫子上打乱了他们的苹果车; 这是我如此亲密的另一个原因。