He wore a black working uniform with red armorial hawk crest at the breast.
All around, there ere monuments carved with armorial bearings; and on this simple slab of slate—as the curious investigator may still discern, and perplex himself with the purport—there appeared the semblance of an engraved escutcheon.
四周,有刻有纹章的纪念碑; 在这块简单的石板上——好奇的调查员可能仍然会辨认出来,并对其用途感到困惑——上面出现了一个雕刻的孔罩的外观。
Young Draper chuckled at the enormity of the joke. " First rate! We'll have incendiary meetings" ! He pulled an elaborately armorial watch from his enfolding furs. " I'm so sorry, but I must say good-bye — this is my street, " he explained.
年轻的德雷珀对这个笑话的严重性咯咯地笑了起来。 “一流!我们将举行煽动性会议”!他从折叠的皮草中取出一块精心制作的纹章手表。 “我很抱歉,但我必须说再见——这是我的街道,”他解释道。