Don’t ask him to organize things! He doesn’t know his arse from his elbow!
An appointment at the dentist my arse! She’s gone shopping!
You don't have to be an arse! .
You don't pronounce the arse out at the end.
That smart arse was just trying to look good in front of the boss.
Now this is not quite as negative as cheapskate and tight arse.
这个习语没有 cheapskate tight arse 那么消极。
So, the word " arse" is not that bad if you're in a comfortable office environment.
If you're talking to your boss, maybe don't use the word " arse" or other words.
Not enough for cloth to make britches. So you'll have to go around with your arse in the air.
After that I couldn't be arsed making friends.
I won't mention your name, if you really want to be an arse about it.
You arsing lunatic. Get out! You ginger twerp. Go on!
A smart arse is more common here in Australia and I think that smart aleck is more common in the UK.
Smart arse 这种说法澳大利亚很常见,而 smart aleck 英国更常见。
But in my defence, Clark, I was an arse.
'You don't have to behave like an arse.
I've had chicken feet, chicken arse, chicken beak you know, the stomach it's just nothing to me.
我吃过鸡爪、鸡屁股、鸡嘴, 知道,胃对我来说没什么。
'No, it just means some arse is trying to cash in.
It read, in computerized text: Dear Clark, This is to show you that I am not an entirely selfish arse.
上面写着, 用电脑化文字:亲爱克拉克,这是为了告诉我是一个完全自私混蛋。
It wasn't that it wasn't nice. It was just that it was too chewy and I couldn't be arsed chewing it.
并是说它好。 就是太有嚼劲了, 嚼动。
" Could we sleep at least" ? Hot Pie asked. " I'm so tired, Arry, and my arse is sore. I think I've got blisters" .
" 至少睡个觉?" 热派继续求告," 我真很累,阿利,屁股痛得要命咧,我想一定是起水疱了。"
It's all bloody useless because when I'm not thinking about your face, I'm thinking about your arse or your hands or your smart mouth.
这一切都是毫无用处, 因为当我考虑脸时,我就会考虑屁股、手或聪明嘴。
Lem snorted through his broken nose. " Was it you who made a song of it, or some other bloody arse in love with his own voice" ?
柠檬破鼻子哼了一声," 把这事编成歌是,还是另外哪个爱死自己嗓音蠢货?"