We have had ascendancy over the enemy in the battle.
Henceforth there was a clash between Cromwell and Fairfax for pre-eminence within the Parliamentary cause, one which Fairfax began as the much stronger party, but which would eventually result in Cromwell's ascendancy as the most powerful figure in England.
此后, 克伦威尔和费尔法克斯之间争夺议会事业中的主导权而发生了冲突,费尔法克斯一开始是实力更强的政党,但最终导致克伦威尔成
The sudden need of Paul's ascendancy overrode all other consideration, and she barked, " My son's been tested with the gom jabbar! " In the stillness that followed, she knew she had struck to the heart of them.
突然需要 Paul 的优势压倒了所有其他考虑,她咆哮道:“我的儿子已经用 gom jabbar 进行了测试! ” 在随后的寂静中, 她知道自己击中了他们的心。