The autumnal breeze caused the heaped-up leaves to unpile.
But the rest of the veg feels very autumnal.
Over all a warm but softened sunshine melted down from a slumberous autumnal sky.
Long hoped for calm, the autumnal serenity and the wisdom of age?
The harvest moon is the full moon that occurs closest to the autumnal equinox.
Yesterday was officially the autumnal equinox in the northern hemisphere, and the vernal or Spring equinox in the southern one.
It's time to say goodbye to summertime because today is officially the first day of fall, also called autumnal equinox.
Salem. If you're looking for a witchy, evocative, autumnal name that packs a profound punch, Salem is a great choice.
In September there is what we call the " autumnal equinox."
九月是我们所说“分” 。
Or, as we say north of the equator, happy autumnal equinox!
She was too slight and precious for such hardship as an autumnal rain.
对于雨般苦难, 她太娇小太珍贵。
The weather had broken, and the sharp wind was almost autumnal in its shrewishness.
天气变坏, 刺骨风几乎像天一样狡猾。
The sun was setting and turning the rolling Hampshire moor into a wonderful autumnal panorama.
太阳正在落山, 起伏汉普郡沼泽变成一幅美妙全景。
Happening on September 22nd this year, the autumnal equinox marks the first day of fall for those living above the equator.
" The magistrates are God-fearing gentlemen, but merciful overmuch—that is a truth, " added a third autumnal matron.
“治安官是敬畏上帝绅士,但过于仁慈——这是事实,” 第三个天主妇补充道。
During the vernal and autumnal equinoxes, the sun is directly over the equator, so day and night are considered to be the same length.
The Chinese farmers' harvest festival was initiated in 2018. It coincides with the autumnal equinox and usually falls during the country's agricultural harvest season.
中国农民丰收节于 2018 年设立,于分之日开启,这一节气通常是我国农业收获节。
A vernal and autumnal equinoxes or spring and fall equinoxes are when day and night are all equal all over the world.
At the time, the autumnal equinox was in Libra, so the name was fitting for a time where night and day were equal in length.
And because it's the full moon that occurs closest to the autumnal equinox - the first day of fall - that makes it a harvest moon.
In place of the autumnal scenery which formed a setting to the previous enactments, we have the culminating blooms of summer in the year following.
代替前几场演出天景色, 我们迎来第二年盛开夏。