" It's the room commercials generally 'ave, " she answered with a sniff.
" 这是旅推销员常住的房间," 抽了一下鼻子答道。
" Left, 'ave you, ginger? " said Scabior.
You can't just drop that and ave.
" Left, 'ave you, ginger? " said Scabior. " And you decided to go camping? "
左边的,你呢,小活泼?" 斯盖伯说道。" 是你决定去露营?
" Not in June, " she said. " We don't 'ave fires after April" .
" 六月里," 说。 " 过了四月,我就生火了。"
So, " have" in this case becomes " ave" .
" Yes, you 'ave. Gi' us one" !
“是的,你有。给我一个” !
Do you ave earrings on. - I don't.
- 你戴耳环了吗?- 我。
" Look, " I said, " never mind the book You 'ave the pencil" ?
Beautiful bit of work that must 'ave been.
Oh. So you don't have plan on aving kids.
哦 这么说你打算要孩子喽。
Now, here, we also drop the " h" : " doen't ave" .
现在,在这里,我也去掉了“h”:“doen't ave”。
" I could 'ave e't two of 'em, " they heard her cry into her pillow.
" Ave you seen dat? Ave you seen dat? " That was the word " that" .
“Ave you seen dat?Ave you seen dat? ”就是“那个”这个词。
They don't: " The police 'ave a warrant" , no, it's not friendly.
" How 'ave you been doing? How 'ave you been doing? " It's casual, regular speech.
" You can 'ave what you like, " said Katie. " We 'aven't got nothing in, but I'll run round and get it" .
" 你爱吃什么都成," 凯蒂说。 " 我现在什么都没有,过我会跑去给你弄来。"
And one more note before I go, you're going to notice on the quiz I have: " have, ave, es, ave" .
在我走之前还有一个注意事项,你会注意到我的测验:“have, ave, es, ave”。
" They was put aw'y wet, sir, " he vouchsafed explanation. " But you'll 'ave to make them do till I dry yours out by the fire" .
" 这衣服进箱子时还有点潮,先生," 他做着解释," 可您得凑着穿,等着我到火边去烤干您的衣服。"
" Well, if that isn't Mr. Ashenden! Who ever thought of seeing you? Is the water boiling, 'Ester? You will 'ave a nice cup of tea, won't you" ?
" 哟,这是阿申登先生吗? 谁想得到竟会见到你? 赫斯特,水开了没有? 你和我一起好好喝杯茶,好吗?"