Holoscopic superior 16, can maintain at the main floor the total victory success only has ba.
These two fight ba encounters the match sneak attack, if is not firm counter-attacks, really possibly lets the houseboy prevail.
Look, it's a...trick, ba...barbecue fork. We got it at a magic shop. Uh, see? Retractable!
Then there was BA. 1, BA. 2 and BA. 3, then BA. 4 and BA. 5.
之后有了 BA. 1、BA. 2 和 BA. 3,再然后是 BA. 4 和 BA. 5。
A ba I! Oh boy oh boy! A ba I!
球! 噢 伙计 噢 伙计! 球!
They are designed to protect against both the earliest and newer versions of Omicron called BA. 4 and BA. 5.
" The Grammy's in the ba" . Clinton questioned.
“格莱美在 ba”。克林顿质问。
But there's actually this street corner near my apartment ... BECCA: Ba ba ba.
但实际上我的公附近有这个街角... BECCA:Ba ba ba。
La in Chinese means the 12th lunar month and ba means eight.
中文中的 La 表示农历十二月, ba 表示八。
BA wish to apologise for the delay of their Flight Number 516 to New York.
6. BA 对他们飞往纽约的航班号 516 的延误表示歉意。
You know, we want to be like kum ba yah and like I see you.
你知道,我们想要像 kum ba yah 一样,就像我看到你一样。
I'm Jad Abumrad, here with me ... ROBERT KRULWICH: Ba bum ba ba bum bum bum.
我是贾德·阿布姆拉德,和我在一起...罗伯特·克:Ba bum ba ba bum bum bum。
No, you don't—one syllable is stronger: ba-NA-na.
Until it pays back the loan ba will not be allowed to pay dividends to International Airlines Group, its parent company.
在偿还贷款之前,英航将不能向其母公司国际航空集团(International Airlines Group)支付股息。
If it's the center, well, it's in the center of ba, ba, ba.
For example, in the word banana, the stress is on the second syllable: ba-NA-na.
It’s on the second syllable: ba-NA-na.
Booster shots are even more important now, as new Omicron variants such as BA. 4 and BA. 5 roll across the country.
随着 BA. 4 和 BA. 5等新奥密克戎变异株席卷美国,现在加强针甚至更重要。
It's a, it's a, the ba da the ba ba ba.
So sometimes in part one you may be asked, would you, ba, ba, ba, ba.
But the FDA, and its vaccine advisory committee, just said that new boosters should be built around the new subvariants: BA. 4 and BA. 5.
但 FDA 及其疫苗咨询委员会称新加强针应该围绕新亚种即 BA. 4 和 BA. 5 来研制。
You cannot beat big data. You cannot beat all those websites or apps who try to lure you in with every kind of click ba possible.
你无法打败大数据 你不能打败所有的网站或应用程序 谁试图引诱你在每一种点击ba可能。