| 划词

He sang in his rich baritone.



Do you sing bass or baritone?



A prepossessing performer with a beautiful baritone, Murray is tall,blond and Midwestern-looking.



If you start with his professional debut in Mexico at 16, singing as a baritone in zarzuela, Mr.Domingo has been before the public for 52 years.




bacciferous, bacciform, baccivorous, bacco, baccy, BACE, Bach, bachelor, bachelor girl, bachelor of arts,


3G, 401(K), a,



Next there could be heard the baritone buzz of a holly tree.


VOA Special 2019年6月合集

Gershwin had heard one-hundred baritones attempt the part. He did not want any of them.



First, Lucas is a tenor and Sinatra is a baritone.



So far the deep baritone that made him famous remains a memory, but they have faith that anything is possible.



The voice was baritone and with exquisite control.



" Is Mr. Nejdanov at home" ? the baritone repeated.

“Nejdanov 先生在家吗? ”男中音重复道。

VOA Special 2018年7月合集

Kelce has played the baritone saxophone since he was young.

Kelce 从小就吹奏中音萨克斯管。


" Who's this" ? he asked in a rich baritone voice.

“这是谁” ?他用厚的男​​中音问道。


" Yes, Rosamond, I shall, " said Lydgate, in his strong baritone.

“是的,罗莎蒙德,我会的,” 利德盖特用他强烈的男中音说。

CNN 10 学生英语 2019年1月合集

" Enticing" evening when haunting baritones strike a chord with " harmany" skaters bringing fanfare to " chorall" who lend an ear.

" 诱人" 的夜晚,萦绕在心头的男中音与" 和谐的" 滑手共鸣,为" 合唱" 伴奏,他们倾听着。

傲骨贤妻 第2季

The baritone at the Christmas party.


who was 系列

He played baritone horn in a jazz band called the Mississippi Moonshiners.

他在名为“密西西比私酒贩” 的爵士乐队中演奏男中音。


His powerful baritone provided operatic grandeur to hits like We Are the Champions, Somebody to Love, and the epic Bohemian Rhapsody.



And then, somewhere in the barrel, she found it-the shofar that produced the perfect deep baritone, the primal call she'd long dreamed of but never made.



" What... what did you say" ? he blurted out, not at all in his accustomed ministerial baritones, but in an extremely undignified manner.

“你… … 你说么” ?他脱口而出, 完全不是他惯用的部长级男中音, 而是极其不体面的方式。

科学60秒-科学美国人 2020年7月合集

Nature documentaries are known for their sweeping natural vistas, their amazing footage-seriously, how did they get that shot? - and, often, the soothing baritone of Sir David Attenborough.



Paklin had already taken up his hat, when suddenly, without the slightest warning, a wonderfully pleasant, manly baritone was heard from the passage.

帕克林已经拿起了他的帽子, 突然,没有丝毫警告, 走廊里传来美妙悦耳、充满男子气概的男中音。

GQ — 明星们的10种必需品

And then Fela Kuti would of course play the baritone but I got an alto because I'm not as good as Fela Kuti, of course, nowhere near.

然后 Fela Kuti 当然会演奏男中音,但我有一个女低音,因为我不如 Fela Kuti,当然,远不及。


All his faults were marked by kindred traits, and were those of a man who had a fine baritone, whose clothes hung well upon him, and who even in his ordinary gestures had an air of inbred distinction.

他所有的缺点都带有相似的特征, 而且是一个拥有出色男中音的人的缺点, 他的衣服很好地挂在他身上, 即使在他的普通手势中也有一种近亲出身的气质。


Mr. District-Attorney Springer was in good form this morning. He is a fine figure of a man and he speaks with a rich baritone voice that is a pleasure to listen to. Be did not bore us with any facts.




bagwoman, bagworm, bah, bahada, bahadur, Bahai, Bahaism, bahaist, Bahamas, Bahamian, Bahamian dollar, bahamite, Bahasa, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahau, Bahaullah, Bahawalpur, bahera, Bahia, Bahia grass, bahiaite, bahnaluminium, Bahnmetal, bahr, Bahrain, Bahrain Dinar, Bahraini, Bahrein, baht, bahut, Bahutu, bahuvrihi, bai, Baia-Mare, Baiao, baicalein, baicalin, Baichongwo, baierine, baignoire, Baikal, baikalite, baikerinite, baikerite, baikorite, bail, bail bond, bailable, bailee, bailer, Bailero, bailey, Baileys, bailful, bailfully, bailie, bailiff, bailing, bailiwick, bailjumper, bailment, bailor, bailout, bail-out, bailsman, Bailyfurnace, baimiao, Bain, bain marie, bainite, bainitic steel, bain-marie, Bairam, Baird, Bairdiacea, Bairiki, bairn, baisa, Baisakh, bait, bait and switch, baitandswitch, bait-and-switch, baitfish, baiting, baits, BaiYi ScrollBar, baiyuneboite, baiza, baize, Baja California, bajada, Bajan, Bajer, Bajocian, bajra, bajree, bajri, bak, bake, bakeapple, bakeboard, bakebread, baked, baked Alaska, baked potato, bakehead, bakehouse, Bakeland, bakelite, bakemeat, bake-off, bakeout, baker, bakeries, bakerite, baker-kneed, bakers, Bakersfield, bakersheet, bakery, bakeshop, bakestone, bakeware, Bakhtaran, Bakhtin, bakie, baking, baking powder, baking soda, bakisum, bakkie, baklava, bakshaish, baksheesh, bakshish, Bakst, Bakthane, baktun, Baku, bakula, Bakunin, bal, balaam, balaclava, Balaenidae, Balakirev, Balaklava, balalaika, balame, Balan, balance, balance beam, balance of international payments, balance of payments, balance of power, balance of trade, balance sheet, balance wheel, balanceable, balanced, balanced budget, balanced diet, balanced-filter, balanceless, balancer, balancer-transformer, balance-weight, Balanchine, balancing, Balanidae, balanitis, balanocele, Balanoglossus, balanoid, Balanomorpha, balanoplasty, balanoposthitis, Balanopsidales, balanorrhagia, balanorrhea, balantidiasis, balantidiosis, Balantidium, balanus, balas, balata, balatik, Balaton, balatte, balaustine, balayage, balayeuse, balboa, balbriggan, balbuties, Balch, balchanolide, Balco, balconet, balconied, balcony, balcony-type, bald, bald cypress, bald eagle, bald head, baldacchino, baldachin, baldaquin, Balder, balderdash, baldfaced, bald-faced, baldhead, baldheaded, bald-headed, baldicoot, baldie, baldies, balding, baldish, baldly, baldness, Baldor, baldpate, Baldr, baldrib, baldric, Baldur, Baldwin, baldy, bale, Baleares, Balearic, Balearic Islands, baleen, baleen whale, balefire, baleful, balefully, balefulness, Balenciaga, Baleno, baler, bales, balestra, Balfin, Balfour, balfourodine, balfourotone, Bali, balibuntal, Balikpapan, baline, Balinese, baling, baling wire, balipholite, balisage, balistraria, balitron, balk, balka, Balkan, Balkan mountains, Balkan Peninsula, Balkanism, Balkanite, Balkanization, Balkanize, Balkans, Balkh, Balkhash, balking, balkline, balks, balkstone, balky, ball, ball and chain, ball bearing, ball cock, ball game, ball park, ball valve, ballabactivirus, ballability, ballad, ballade, balladeer, balladist, balladize, balladmonger, balladromic, balladry, ballads, ball-and-claw, ball-and-socket, ball-and-spigot, ballas, ballast, ballast resistor, ballastage, ballasting, ballast-roller, ballastron, ballasts, ballast-surfaced, ballast-tamper, ballcarrier, ball-clevis, balled, baller, ballerina, ballerine, ballet, ballet dancer, balletdancer, ballet-dancer, balletic, balletically, balleting, balletomane, balletomania, ballets, ball-eye, ballflower, ball-flower, ballhead, ball-hook, balling, Balliol, ballism, ballismus, ballista, ballister, ballistic, ballistic galvanometer, ballistic missile, ballistic pendulum, ballistic trajectory, ballistically, ballistician, ballistics, ballistite, ballistocardiogram, ballistocardiograph, ballistocardiography, ballistocaridograph, ballistophobia, ballistospore, ballizing, balljoint, ballocking, ballocks, balloelectric, ballometer, ballon, ballonet, ballonnement, balloon, balloon flower, ballooner, balloonet, balloonfish, Balloonflower, ballooning, balloonist, balloonkite, balloons, ballospore, ballot, ballot box, ballotable, ballotage, ballotini, ballots, ballottement, ballpark, ball-park, ball-plant, ballplayer, ballpoint, ball-point, ballpoint pen, ballproof, ball-race, ballroom, ballroom dance, ballroom dancing, ballroomology, balls, ballscrew, ball-shooting, ballstone, balls-up, ballsy, ball-up, balluster, ballute, bally, ballyhack, ballyhoo, ballyrag, balm, balm of Gilead, balmacaan, Balmain, Balmer, balmily, balminess, BALMOD, Balmoral, balmusette, balmy, balneal, balneary, balneation, balneologist, balneology, balneophysiology, balneotechnics, balneotherapeutics, balneotherapy, balneum, balometer, baloney, balop, balopticon, BALPA, Balqash, BALS, balsa, balsam, balsam apple, balsam fir, balsam of peru, balsam pear, balsamic, balsamiferous, Balsaminaceae, balsamine, balsamous, balsamroot, balsamum, Balsas, Balt, balteum, balteus, balthazar, balthazer, Balti, Baltic, Baltic sea, Baltime, Baltimore, Baltimore oriole, baltimorite, balto-slavic, Baluba, Baluchi, Baluchistan, baluchithere, balun, baluster, balustrade, Balzac, Balzacian, bam, Bamako, Bambara, Bamberg, Bamberga, bambermycin, Bambi, bambino, bamboo, bamboo curtain, bamboo shoot, bamboozle, bamboozlement, bamethan, bamifylline, bamipine, bamnidazole, B-amplifier, BAMS, BAMTM, ban, banaba, Banaban, Banagher, banaidone, Banair, banak, banakite, banal, banality, banalize, banally, banalsite, banana, Banana Boat, banana oil, banana republic, banana split, bananalander, bananas, banana-shrub, bananina, bananoid, Banaras, Banarat, banat, banatite, banausic, banawa, Banbury, banburying, banc, banca, bancal, bancassurance, bancha, banco, bancor, Bancroft, band, band width, banda, bandage, bandager, bandage-winder, bandaging, bandaid, band-aid, bandamycin, bandana, bandanas, Bandane, bandanna, Bandar, bandazol, bandbox, band-cell, bandeau, banded, bande-kercnde, Bandelier, bander, banderilla, banderillero, banderol, banderole, bandersnatch, bandforce, band-form, bandgap, bandh, bandhnu, bandicoot, Bandidas, bandie, banding, bandit, banditi, bandito, banditry, bandits, banditti, Bandjarmasin, Bandkeramik, bandknife, bandleader, bandlet, bandmaster, bandmill, bandmoll, bandobast, bandog, bandoleer, bandolero, bandolier, bandoline, bandoneon, bandore, bandpass, bands, bandsaw, band-sawn, bandsman, bandsmen, bandspike, bandspreader, bandspreading, bandstand, band-switching, bandtail, Bandung, bandwagon, bandwagon effect, bandwidth, bandy, bandy about, bandyball, bandy-legged, bandylite, bane, baneberry, baneful, banefully, Banex, Banff, Banffshire, bang, bangalore, bangbang, bang-bang, bangboard, banger, Bangiales, Bangioideae, Bangiophyceae, Bangka, Bangkok, Bangla, Bangladesh, Bangladeshi, bangle, bangles, Banglore, bango, bang-on, Bangor, bangtail, Bangui, bangup, bang-up, Bangweulu, bangy, bangzone, bang-zone, bani, bania, banian, Banias, banish, banished, banishment, banister, banisterine, banisters, Baniyas, Banjarmasin, banjax, banjo, banjohousing, banjoist, banjos, Banjul, banjulele, bank, bank account, bank bill, bank book, bank card, bank check, bank clerk, bank deposit, bank discount, bank draft, bank examiner, bank failure, bank holding company, bank holiday, bank loan, bank note, bank rate, bank roll, bank shot, bank statement, banka, bankability, bankable, bankanweisung, bankassurance, bankbook, bankcredit, banked, banker, banket, bankette, bank-head, banking, banking system, banking-up, bankit, banknote, bankocrat, banko-kerende, bankroll, bankroller, bankrupt, bankruptcy, banks, banksia, bankside, banksman, Bankstown, bankswork, bankveld, banlieue, Ban-Lon, Banneker, banner, banneret, bannerette, bannering, bannerline, bannerman, bannerol, banners, bannister, bannisterite, bannock, Bannockburn, banns, banocide, banquet, banquets, banquette, Banquo, bans, bansalaguin, Bansen, banshee, banshees, banshie, bant, bantam, bantamweight, Banteay Srei, banteng, banter, bantering, banteringly, ban-the-bomber, Banthine, bantin, banting, Bantinging, Bantingism, Bantingize, bantling, Bantrol, Bantu, Bantustan, banty, Banvel, Banvel+Bladex, banyan, Banyan Tree, banzai, baobab, Baoding, Baoesia, Baoji, BAOR, baotite, Baotou, bap, Bape, baphiin, BAPS, baptise, baptisia, baptism, baptismal, baptismal name, baptismally, Baptist, Baptista, baptistery, baptistry, Baptists, baptize, baptized, bar, bar chart, bar examination, bar graph, bar magnet, bar mitzvah, bar printer, Bar/Column, barabara, Barabbas, baraboo, Baracaldo, baracan, barachois, Baracoa, baraesthesia, baragnosis, barak, Baraka, baralyme, baramin, Baranavichy, bar-and-cake, bar-and-grill, barani, Baranov, Baranovichi, Barany, baraquet, bararite, baras, barat, barathea, barathrum, baratol, barb, barba, barbacan, barback, barbacue, Barbadian, Barbados, Barbados cherry, Barbados Dollar, Barbados gooseberry, barbadosnut, barbaloin, barban, barbar, Barbara, barbarian, barbarianize, barbaric, barbarise, barbarism, barbarity, barbarization, barbarize, Barbarossa, barbarous, barbarously, Barbary, Barbary ape, Barbary Coast, barbas, barbasco, barbastelle, barbate, barbatol, barbator, barbe, barbecue, barbecue sauce, barbecuer, barbed, barbed wire, barbel, barbell, barbellate, barbelled, barbeque, barber, barber chair, barber shop, Barbera, Barber-Greene, barbering, barberite, barberry, barbers, barbershop, barber-shop, barbershop quartet, barber-surgeon, barbertonite, barbet, barbette, barbexaclone, barbican, barbicel, barbie, barbierite, barbiers, barbing, barbital, barbitalism, barbitalum, barbitone, barbituism, barbiturate, barbituric acid, barbiturism, Barbizon, Barblok, barbola, barbone, barbosalite, barbotage, barbotine, Barbour, bar-b-q, Barbra Streisand, Barbuda, barbudo, barbula, barbulation, barbule, barbuoy, barbwire, BARC, barca, barcan, barcarole, barcarolle, Barcelona, barchan, barchane, barchent, BARCIS, Barclay, barcode, bard, bardacious, barde, bardee, Bardeen, barden, bardepot, barder, Bardia, bardian, bardic, bardiglio, barding, bardlet, bardling, bardolater, bardolatry, Bardolino, Bardot, bardraft, bards, bardy, bare, bare bones, bareback, barebacked, bareboat, Barebone, barebones, barecloth, barefaced, barefisted, barefoot, barefooted, barege, baregin, barehanded, bareheaded, Bareilly, bare-kneed, bare-knuckle, Barelattograph, barelegged, Bareli, barely, barely...than..., baremeter, baren, bare-naked, Barenboim, barenecked, bare-necked, bareness, Barents, Barents Sea, baresark, baresthesia, baresthesiometer, baretta, barettite, barf, barffing, barfly, bar-frame, bargain, bargain hunter, bargainbasement, bargainee, bargainer, bargaining, bargaining chip, bargaining-hunter, bargainor, barge, barge pole, bargeboard, barge-course, bargee, bargello, bargeman, bargemaster, bargepole, barges, barge-train, bargh, bargham, barghest, bargirl, bargraphs, barguest, Barham, barhop, Bari, baria, bariatrician, bariatrics, baric, barie, barile, barilla, barines, baring, barings, barion, Barisal, barish, barista, barit, barite, baritite, baritone, baritosis, barium, Barium enema, barium hydroxide, barium oxide, barium sulfate, barium sulphate, bariumism, bark, bark beetle, bark-bed, bark-bound, barkeep, barkeeper, barkentine, barker, barkery, barkevikite, barkey, barkhan, barkhausen, barkies, barking, barkinite, Barkla, Barkley, barkometer, barky, bar-le-duc, Barletta, barley, barley sugar, barleybree, barley-bree, barley-broo, barleybroth, barleycorn, barley-sugar, barley-water, barling, bar-losing, barlow, barm, barmaid, barman, barmaster, barmatic, barmbrack, Barmecidal, Barmecide, Barmen, barmiest, barmskin, barmy, barn, barn dance, barn door, barn swallow, Barnabas, barnaby, barnacle, barnacle goose, barnacles, Barnard, Barnaul, barnburner, barn-door, barner, Barnes, barnet, Barnett, Barneveldt, barney, Barneys, barnful, barnhardtite, barnman, Barnsley, Barnstable, Barnstaple, barnstorm, barnstormer, barnstorming, Barnum, Barny, barnyard, baro-, baro-agnosis, baroceptor, barochamber, baroclinic, baroclinicfluid, baroclinicity, barocliny, Baroco, barococo, barocyclometer, barocyclonometer, Baroda, barodentalgia, barodontalgia, baroduric, barodynamics, baroelectroesthesiometer, barognosis, barogram, barograph, barogyroscope, baroid, barokinesis, Barolo, barology, baroluminescence, baromacrometer, barometer, barometerism, barometric, barometric pressure, barometrical, barometrograph, barometry, baromil, baron, baronage, baronduki, baroness, baronet, baronetage, baronetcy, baronetess, baronetize, barong, baroni, baronial, baronize, baronne, barons, baronship, barony, baro-otitis, baropacer, baropathy, baropause, barophil, barophile, barophilic, barophobia, barophoresis, baroport, Baroque, baroreceptor, baroresistor, barosaur, baroscope, baroselenite, barosinusitis, Barosmetal, barosmin, barosperse, barosphere, barospirator, barostat, baroswitch, barotaxis, barothermogram, barothermograph, barothermohydrograph, barothermohygrogram, barothermohygrograph, barothermohygrometer, barotitis, barotolerance, Barotor, barotrauma, barotropic, barotropism, barotropy, Barotseland, barouche, barpoint, barpours, barpque, barque, barquentine, barquet, barquette, Barquisimeto, barra, barrable, barrabora, barracan, barracanite, barrack, barracks, barracoon, barracouta, barracuda, barrage, barrage fire, barrage jamming, barrages, barramunda, barramundi, barranca, Barrancabermeja, barranco, barrandite, Barranquilla, barrans, barras, barrate, barratee, barrater, barrathea, barrator, barratron, barratrous, barratry, barre, barred, barrege, barrel, barrel organ, barrel roll, barrel vault, barrelage, barrel-bulk, barrel-chested, barrel-drain, barreled, barrelene, barreler, barrelful, barrelhead, barrelhouse, barrelled, barrelling, barrel-polishing, barrels, Barremian, barren, barrenness, barrens, barrenwort, barrer, barrera, barret, barretor, barretry, Barrett, barrette, barretter, barriada, barricade, barricado, barricas, barrie, barrier, barrier island, barrier reef, barriers, barring, barringdown, barring-on, barringtonin, barringtonite, barrio, barrios, barrique, barrister, barrister-at-law, barroisite, Barronia, barroom, barroque, barrow, barrowman, Barrows, barry, Barrymore, bars, Barsac, barspoon, barstool, Barstovian, BART, bartack, bartacker, bartend, bartender, barter, barter away, bartered, barterer, Barth, Barthelme, Barthes, barthite, Bartholdi, bartholinitis, Bartholomew, Bartholomewtide, bartholomite, bartizan, Bartlesville, Bartlett, bartlett pear, Bartolommeo, barton, Bartonella, Bartonellaceae, bartonellemia, bartonelliasis, bartonellosis, Bartonian, Bartram, Bart's, Baruch, baruria, BARV, barverine, barware, baryacusia, barycenter, barycentre, barycentric, Barychilinidae, barydynia, barye, baryencephalia, barygyroscope, Barylambdidae, barylite, barymastia, barymazia, baryodmia, baryodynia, baryon, baryongenesis, baryonic, baryonium, Baryshnikov, barysilite, barysphere, barystrentianite, barystrontianite, baryta, barytage, baryte, barytes, Barytheriidae, Barytherioidea, barytic, barytine, barytocalcite, barytolamprophyllite, baryton, barytone, barytosis, barytron, Barzun, BAS, basad, basal, basal body temperature, basal metabolic rate, basal metabolism, basalar, basale, basalia, Basalin, basalioma, basalis, Basalloy, basaloma, basalt, basaltform, basaltic, basaltiform, basaltine, basaltoid, basaluminite, Basamaize, Basamid, basan, Basane, basanite, basanitoid, basanomelan, baschtauite, bascine, basculation, bascule, base, base line, base metal, base on balls, base pair, base rate, baseball, baseball bat, baseball cap, Baseball Diamond, baseball game, baseball glove, baseball player, baseball team, baseballer, baseband, base-bar, baseboard, baseborn, base-born, basebred, baseburner, basecoat, base-concordance, basecourt, base-court, based, based on, basedoid, base-exchange, base-former, basehead, basehearted, Basel, baselap, baselateral, baseless, baseline, Basell, baseload, basely, baseman, basement, basename, basendite, baseness, basenji, base-number, base-pair, baseplane, baseplate, baser, basergin, bases, baseset, base-ship, basetone, base-tray, Basfapon, bash, basha, Basham, Bashan, bashaw, basher, bashful, bashfully, bashfulness, bashi-bazouk, bashibazoukery, bashi-bazoukery, bashing, Bashkir, Bashkirs, bashlyk, basho, basiarachnitis, basiarachnoiditis, basic, basic English, basically, basicardo, basichromatic, basichromatin, basicity, basicole, basiconic, basicosta, basicoxite, basics, basicservice, basicvocabulary, basicyte, basidia, basidiobolomycosis, basidiocarp, basidiograph, basidiole, basidiolichen, Basidiolichenes, basidiolum, basidioma, basidiomorphous, basidiomycete, basidiomycetes, basidiomycetous, basidiophore, basidiospore, basidium, basidorsal, Basie, basifacial, basifemur, basification, basifier, basifixed, basiflory, basifugal, basifuge, basify, basigalea, basigamic, basigamous, basigamy, basigenous, basigynium, basil, basilabium, basilaminar, Basilan, basilar, basilar membrane, basilary, Basildon, basilect, basilemma, Basilian, basilic, basilic vein, basilica, Basilicata, basilicon, basilingual, basilisk, basiloma, basilyst, basimandibula, basimaxilla, basimethrin, basimetrin, basin, basined, basinet, basinful, basing, Basingstoke, basining, basins, basion, basionym, basiotic, basipalpus, basipetal, basipetally, basipharyx, basiphile, basiphobia, basipodite, basipresphenoid, basiproboscis, basipterygium, basis, basiscopic, basisphenoid, basisternum, basistipes, basistyle, basitarsal, basitarsus, basitemporal, basitonous, basivalvulae, bask, Baskerville, basket, basket weave, basketball, basket-ball, basketball court, basketball equipment, basketball game, basketball player, basketballer, basketcase, basketfish, basketful, basket-maker, basketmaking, basket-of-gold, basketry, baskets, basketstar, basket-weave, basketwork, basking shark, Basle, Basler, basmas, basnet, baso-, basocytosis, basofortina, basograph, basoid, bason, basonym, basopenia, basophil, basophilia, basophilic, basophilla, basophilous, basophobia, basopinacocyte, basoplasm, Basotho, Basov, basque, Basques, basquet, basquine, Basra, bas-relief, bass, bass clarinet, bass clef, bass drum, bass guitar, bassanite, basse, Bassein, basset, basset hound, Basseterre, Basse-Terre, bassetite, bassi, bassie, bassine, bassinet, bassing, bassist, bassisterol, basso, basso continuo, bassoon, bassoonist, bassoons, bassoran, basso-relievo, bassorin, bass-relief, basswood, bassy, bast, basta, Bastaard, Bastar, bastard, bastardization, bastardize, bastardly, bastardry, bastard-sawing, bastardy, baste, basted, baster, Bastet, bast-fibre, Bastia, bastide, bastile, bastille, Bastille Day, bastinade, bastinado, basting, bastion, bastioned, bastite, bastitic, bastnaesite, Bastogne, baston, bastose, bastuse, basuco, Basudin, Basuto, Basutoland, bat, bat mitzvah, Bata, Bataan, Batalbra, Batangas, batanglement, batarde, batardeau, batard-montrachet, Batasan, batata, batatilla, Batavia, Batavian, bat-blind, bat-blinded, batblined, batboy, batch, batch processing, batchbox, batcher, batchermixer, batching, batchmeter, batchservice, batchwise, batch-wise, batchy, bate, batea, bateared, bateau, bated, bateleur, Bater, Bates, Bateson, bat-eyed, batfish, batflying, bat-flying, batfowl, batgirl, bath, bath chair, bath house, bath salts, bath soap, bath towel, bathable, bathe, batheable, bathed, bather, bathers, bathesthesia, bathetic, bathhouse, Bathian, bathile, bathinette, bathing, bathing cap, bathing costume, bathing machine, bathing suit, bathing trunks, bathless, bathmat, bathmism, bathmometry, bathmotropism, bathochrome, bathoflore, batholite, batholith, batholithic, bathometer, bathometry, bathomorphic, Bathonian, bathophenanthroline, bathophobia, Bathornithidae, bathorse, bathos, bathrobe, bathroclase, bathroom, bathroom tissue, baths, Bathsheba, bathtub, bathtubs, bathtuBtheorem, Bathurst, bathvillite, bathwater, bathwillite, bathyal, bathybic, bathybius, bathycardia, bathychrome, bathyclinograph, bathyconductograph, Bathyctenidae, Bathyergidae, bathyesthesia, bathygastry, bathygenesis, bathygram, bathyhyperesthesia, bathylimnetic, bathylimnion, bathylith, bathymeter, bathymetric, bathymetrical, bathymetrically, bathymetry, Bathyneliidae, Bathynellacea, bathyorographical, bathypelagic, bathypelagicfish, bathyphotometer, bathyphyll, bathyphytia, bathypsychology, bathyscaph, bathyscaphe, bathyseism, bathysmal, bathysphere, bathystixis, bathythermogram, bathythermograph, bathythermometer, bathythermosphere, bathyvessel, bathyxenous, batia, batice, batik, batilk, bating, batisite, Batista, batiste, batleship, batman, BATNA, Batnickoin, batologist, baton, Baton Rouge, batonet, batonist, batonistic, batonoma, batoon, batophobia, batpay, Batrachia, batrachian, batrachiolin, batrachoid, batrachophobia, batrachoplasty, batrachotoxin, batracin, batracotoxin, batroidal, bats, batsman, batsmanship, Batswana, batt, batta, battalion, Battamabang, Battani, battarism, batteau, battel, battello, battels, battement, batten, batten down, Battenberg, battenboard, batten-board, battens, batter, battercake, battered, batterie, batteries, battering, battering ram, Batterium, Battersea, battery, battery acid, battery charger, battery-powered, batteyin, battice, battik, batting, batting average, batting order, battle, battle against, battle cruiser, battle cry, battle fatigue, battle field, battle group, battle line, Battle of Britain, Battle of Wits, battle royal, battle ship, battleax, battle-ax, battleaxe, battle-axe, battlebus, battled, battledore, battledore and shuttlecock, battledress, battlefield, battle-field, battlefront, battleground, battlement, battlemented, battlements, battleplan, battleplane, battle-ready, battle-scarred, battleship, battlesome, battlewagon, battlewise, battologize, battu, battue, batture, batty, batu, Batum, Batumi, batuque, batwing, batwoman, BAU, baubee, bauble, bauchle, baucis, baud, Baud rate, baudekin, Baudelaire, Baudelairean, baudot, Baudouin I, baudrate, baudrons, Bauer, Bauhaus, bauhinia, bauk, baulk, Baum, baume, baumetester, baumhauerite, bauneen, Bauru, bauson, Bautzen, bauxite, bauxitic, Bavaria, Bavarian, Bavarian cream, bavenite, bavin, Bavistin, baw, bawbee, bawcock, bawd, bawdily, bawdry, bawdy, bawdyhouse, bawke, bawl, bawley, bawneen, Bax, baxia, Baxter, bay, Bay Laurel, Bay of Bengal, bay state, bay window, baya, bayadere, bayamo, Bayard, bayberry, baybolt, baycaron, baycedar, Baycid, Baycol, baycurine, Bayer, bayerite, Bayern, Bayes, Bayesian, Bayesism, bayeta, bayetas, bayette, baygall, Baygon, bayhead, Baykal, baylanizing, bayldonite, Bayle, bay-leaf, bayleyite, bay-line, Baylor, bayluscid, bayman, baymouth, Bayon, bayonet, Bayonne, bayou, baypren, bayrena, Bayreuth, Bayrut, baysalt, bay-stall, baytex, Baytown, baytree, baywood, baywreath, bazaar, bazaari, bazaars, bazar, bazodee, bazoo, bazooka, bazookaman, bazookier, bazoom, bazoongies, bazzoka, BB, BBA, B-battery, BBB, BBBC, BBC, BBD, BBE, BBFC, BBK, bbl, Bblythe, BBM, BBMA, BBO, BBOL, B-box, b-boying, BBP, BBQ, BBR, BBRE, BBS, BBSGood, BBSM, bbsr, BBT, BC, BCA, BCAA, BCBG, BCC, bccd, BCCH, BCD, BCDD, BCDP, BCE, BCEM, BCF, BCFA, BCFSK, bcg, BCGF, BCI, BCIRA, BCL, BCM, BCMSN, BCN, BCNU, BCO, B-coefficient, bcom, b-contact, BCP, BCPL, BCR, BCRA, BCS, BCT, BCTV, BCU, BCURA, B-cut, BCW, BD, BDA, BDAM, bday, BDC, BDD, BDE, bdella, bdellepithecium, bdellium, bdelloid, Bdelloidea, bdellometer, Bdellomorpha, Bdellonemertini, Bdellovibrio, bdelygmia, BDHI, bdi, B-display, BDL, BDM, BDMA, BDNF, BDO, BDP, BDR, BDS, BDSA, bdsc, BDSM, BDST, BDT, BDU, BDV, BDZ, be, be-, be a credit to sb, be able to, be about to, be absorbed by, be absorbed in, be accompanied by, be accustomed to, be addicted to, be admitted to, be afflicted with, be afraid, be afraid of, be after, be alert to, be alive to, be all set, be analogous to, be angry with, be anxious about, be applied to, be applied with, be assigned to, be associated with, be at a loss, be at home in, be at issue, be at odds over sth, be at odds with sb, be at war with, be attributed to, be aware of, be back, be bad for, be based on, be beneficial to, be bent on, be better off, be blind to, be born, be bound by, be bound for, be bound to, be brought up, be busy doing, be busy with, be capable of, be careful, be careful of, be careful with, be carpeted with, be carried away, be cast up on, be cautious of, be central to, be certain of, be characteristic of, be charitable to, be civil to, be clear about, be closely bound up with, be combined with, be committed to, be comparable to, be comparable with, be compared to, be composed of, be concerned about, be concerned with, be confined to, be confronted with, be connected by, be connected with, be conscious of, be considerate of, be contrary to, be covered with, be crazy about, be dedicated to, be derived from, be descended from, be deserving of, be different from, be directed against, be disagreeable to, be disgusted with, be distinguished for, be doomed to, be dotted with, be dramatized by, be due to, be eager to, be envious of, be essential to, be exempt from, be exposed to, be faced with, be familiar to, be familiar with, be famous for, be far from, be favorable to, be favourable to, be fed up with, be filled with, be fit for, be fond of, be forehand, be free from, be friendly with, be friends with, be from, be full of, be generous in, be generous with, be glued to, be going to, be good at, be good for, be good to, be hard to say, be hard up for, be heavily forested, be held in position, be honored with, be identical to, be in domestic service, be in high spirits, be in hospital, be in love with, be in the hands of, be in two minds about sth, be incapable of, be inclined to, be interested in, be involved in, be jealous of, be keen on, be known as, be late for, be left for dead, be liable to, be likely to, be limited to, be linked to, be located, be located in, be located on, be lost in thought, be made from, be made of, be made up of, be married, be native to, be noted as, be nothing to, be obliged to, be occupied in, be of prime importance, be on, be on a diet, be on edge, be on good terms with sb, be on guard, be on show, be on strike, be on to, be opposed to, be out, be over, be patterned on, be paved with, be pleased, be pleased with, be popular with, be preferable to, be proud of, be put in chains, be put in prison, be related to, be relevant to, be reported as, be resistant to, be responsible for, be restricted to, be rich in, be satisfied with, be scared of, be seated, be secreted from, be set on sth, be short of, be strict with, be subdivided into, be subjected to, be substituted for, be subversive of, be suitable for, be superior to, be supposed to, be sure of, be surprised, be taken aback, be taken by, be the case, be the making of, be the rage, be the rule, be through, be tired of, be to blame, be to blame for, be tolerant of, be torn open, be traced to, be true of, be true with, be unable to, be unaware of, be uncertain about, be unfit for, be up to, be up to someone, be used to, be viewed as, be willing to, be worth doing, BEA, beach, beach ball, beach buggy, beach erosion, beach house, beach towel,


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